AUGUSTA — Cony High School was declared safe after being vacated on Monday after police say a bomb threat was left in a bathroom for the second time in a week.

Officials at the Pierce Drive school reported finding a written threat in a bathroom at approximately 1:50 p.m., said Sgt. Danny Boivin of the Augusta Police Department.

Augusta Superintendent James Anastasio sent an alert to parents that indicated school officials “became aware of a suspicious message” and that students and staff were dismissed within 10 minutes. The threat caused “minimal disruption,” said Sgt. Vicente Morris of the city police, since it happened within minutes of the school’s normal dismissal time of 1:45 p.m. Students were told to go home.

Officers, detectives and four teams of bomb-sniffing dogs swept the building and declared it safe within an hour, Morris said. It was similar to an incident on Tuesday, when the school was evacuated and closed for the day around 11 a.m. after school employees found suspicious writing on a bathroom wall that indicated potential danger. It was searched and declared safe later that day.

When asked if police have leads on potential suspects in either threat, Morris said, “Not really,” since it’s difficult to pinpoint the author of such a statement.

Michael Shepherd — 370-7652

Twitter: @mikeshepherdme