Cony High School, which has been targeted by three bomb threats in recent weeks, was locked down Thursday afternoon after school officials learned of a potential threat against the school.

The last day for students at the school was Tuesday, and on Thursday, teachers and other staff members were in the building.

Augusta police Lt. Christopher Massey said Thursday’s action followed a “concerning” Facebook post that was brought to Cony officials’ attention. Detectives found the juvenile who wrote the post and determined it was not intended as a threat to Cony or any other person or place, Massey said. The juvenile will not face any charges.

“There was no direct or credible threat to any school,” he said.

The school was locked down shortly after noon after school officials read the post, which Massey said was part of an ongoing Facebook discussion, dating back about a year, that was unrelated to Cony or any public facility.

Massey said Cony officials reacted within their protocol in locking down the school until police could determine all was safe.


The high school was targeted by three bomb threats from June 2 to June 9. Each time the school was evacuated or locked down as police searched the area. Massey said Thursday that police continue to investigate those threats. Nobody has been charged.

Craig Crosby — 621-5642

Twitter: @CraigCrosby4