On June 9, the Readfield Town Office was decorated for a patriotic municipal election. The town’s experienced staff dedicated weeks of detailed work to prepare for the new secret ballot town meeting process. For many of the 692 residents, it was their first time voting at a town meeting. When the election results were counted, the sitting Select Board members were given a clear message: Things must change.

The Budget Committee disagreed with the Select Board on three articles. Residents firmly voted down an article that called for employee wage reductions, and another on funds allocated for vehicle repair. A controversial Article 40 allowed the Select Board to cover any overdrafts with no dollar amount listed. The Budget Committee cautioned that, without a spending limit, this article set a dangerous precedent. Readfield residents demanded “no blank checks” and defeated Article 40 with a resounding 456 votes.

Some on the Select Board warned residents about the school (RSU 38) budget keeping taxes high and to consider that “fact” when voting. Again, Readfield residents did not agree and overwhelmingly supported the school district budget with 402 yes votes.

Readfield seems to be a town divided with most of the elected officials following their own agenda rather than hearing the opinions of the majority of residents. Recognizing the need for Select Board members with experience and accountability, residents overwhelmingly elected Bruce Bourgoine and Chris Sammons to serve for three years.

The secret ballot town meeting differs from the traditional town meeting by relegating election results of the vote as advisory to the Select Board rather than a mandated directive. Residents must hold the Select Board accountable for executing their very clear, very wise “advice.” Residents must assure that their demand for good government prevails.

Deb Doten


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