The Temple’s Historical Society will hold its annual meeting and open house on Saturday, Aug. 15. The meeting will begin at 1 p.m. at the Red Schoolhouse on the Intervale, and at 1:30 p.m. the Archives Room in the Temple Town Hall will be opened. Punch and cookies will be served at the schoolhouse. Both sites will be open until 3 p.m., according to a news release from the society.
The meeting will include the review the organization’s finances for the year as well as its programs and accomplishments during the past 12 months. No election of officers will take place at this time because each of the officers were elected to two-year terms in 2014.
The Historical Society Board of Directors meets once a month to plan programs and supervise the documentation its archives, work that is largely being conducted by interns. It is a small, friendly group that would welcome new members. The annual meeting and open house provides an opportunity to learn more about the society’s activities.
Temple’s Red Schoolhouse is one of the oldest one-room school houses in the state of Maine, and the one that was in longest continual use. The last classes were held in the building in 1956, still without the benefit of electricity or plumbing.
The schoolhouse is on Temple’s Intervale, approximately 1½ miles beyond the Temple Post Office. Follow Route 43 West from West Farmington to the foot of the Day Mountain Road. The Temple Town Hall is on Route 43, just beyond the Temple-Wilton town line.
In addition to new visitors, the society is looking forward to greeting former students and hopefully a few teachers among the visitors during the open house.
For more information, call Betsy Graves at 778-0837.
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