Franklin County commissioners have approved an administrative assistant position to be added to the Franklin County Jail staff to help oversee the day-to-day operations of the jail.

The jail had an assistant administrator in the past, but when the state consolidated county jails in 2009, the Franklin County Jail was limited to a 72-hour holding center and the assistant position was eliminated. This past April the jail returned to full-service status, and Franklin County Sheriff Scott Nichols said there is a need for an assistant administrator.

“There is a lot of administrative work to be done when you oversee this many people,” Franklin County Sheriff Scott Nichols said. The assistant would work directly with the jail administrator, Maj. Doug Blauvelt, and would be responsible for direct control over all four work shifts at the jail.

Nichols said his duties would include making sure all prisoners are being treated equally and monitoring “quality control.”

Nichols said that Blauvelt is doing a great job fulfilling his administrative duties, but that an assistant administrator position would give him more time to focus on the “voluminous paperwork” that an administrator must complete on a daily basis.

“Any full-time job has an assistant,” Nichols said.


The commissioners will accept in-house job applications until Oct. 16 and then interview eligible applicants. Nichols said that presently the only eligible candidates for the positions would be the four sergeants in charge of running the four daily shifts.

The salary for the position will be paid out of the jail’s operations budget, which received additional state funding this year, Nichols said.

The Franklin County Jail now houses 32 inmates, though Nichols said that fluctuates in the low 30s based on arraignments and sentencings.

Lauren Abbate — 861-9252

Twitter: @Lauren_M_Abbate