Voters will go to the polls Tuesday to decide statewide referendums on campaign financing and bonds for senior housing and highway maintenance and, in a few central Maine towns, who will hold municipal office.


Five candidates are vying for two seats on the town council.

Ward 1 Councilor Fred Stubbert, who has represented the northern tip of the city on the council for 12 years, is facing a challenge from Stephen Soule, South End Teen Center coordinator, for a three-year term.

Incumbent Karen Rancourt-Thomas is being challenged for her Ward 7 seat, representing the South End, by Jacqueline Dupont, a planning board member and chairwoman of the South End Neighborhood Association, and political newcomer Anthony George Thomas.



Voters will be asked whether they want to form a commission to review the town’s charter and recommend changes to the document. The town council proposed a charter commission last year, but it was rejected by voters.

The town charter sets out the rules of town governance. If the charter commission is formed, it could recommend changes like eliminating annual town meeting in favor of a referendum or expanding the size of the town council among numerous other possibilities. Any proposed changes would need to be approved by voters in a second referendum next year.

Tuesday’s referendum asks voters whether they want to create the commission and elect six residents to serve on it.

However, only one resident, Timothy Martin, filed nomination papers in time to be on the ballot, although other candidates have said they will run as write-in candidates.

An election for two town council seats is being contested by first-term incumbents Michael Taylor and John Picchiotti and former town councilor Harold Murray.

In interviews last month, all three candidates said keeping taxes low and encouraging economic growth were priorities. Picchiotti, who is also a Republican state representative for Fairfield, Mercer and Smithfield, apologized last week for an anti-Muslim post on his Facebook page that was apparently a chain email that originated in a forum on the website White Pride World Wide.


In a statement last Friday, Picchiotti said that he did not read all the way through the 11-paragraph email before posting it online. Picchiotti’s public Facebook page has since been taken down.

Other candidates on the ballot are Terry Michaud and Timothy Martin for three-year terms on the School Administrative District 49 School Board and Shawn Knox for a one-year term on the school board.


Incumbent town councilor for District 4 Ray Caron is challenged by Nancy Aldrich.

In interviews last month, both candidates said keeping taxes low and coming up with a plan to deal with the town’s solid waste were important issues. Other candidates on the ballot are District Two Councilor Ben Twitchell and incumbent library trustees Betty Perry and Judy Ellis. All terms are for three years. The town will also be conducting a survey on what kind of trash and recycling system residents would like to see in town.



There is a three-way race for two seats on the board of selectmen between long-time Selectwoman Irene Belanger, Albert Althenn and Ronald Breton. Althenn and Breton both ran unsuccessfully for board of selectmen last year. Water quality in China Lake, town spending and a proposed pay-per-bag trash collection system are issues in the election.

China voters will also be asked to update language in town ordinances covering quorums for town meeting, anti-smoking rules on town property and the recreation committee.


Clinton voters will be asked to vote on a zoning change to allow a daycare center on the corner of Main and Baker streets and to transfer $79,603 from an economic development reserve into a streetscape fund to pay for improvements to downtown sidewalks.

Peter McGuire — 861-9239

Twitter: @PeteL_McGuire