IN CANAAN, Saturday at 7:17 p.m., a harassment complaint was investigated on Main Street.

IN CARRABASSETT VALLEY, Sunday at 12:13 a.m., a disturbance was reported at The Rack on Access Road.

1:54 a.m., a burglary was reported on Main Street.

IN CLINTON, Saturday at 11:44 p.m., a reported domestic dispute was investigated on Bush Road.

IN FAIRFIELD, Saturday at 12:36 p.m., a motor vehicle accident was reported on Davis Road.

10:57 p.m., a domestic dispute report was investigated on Back Road.


11:54 p.m., a noise complaint was investigated on Willow Street.

IN HARTLAND, Sunday at 9:21 a.m., a structure fire was extinguished on Huff Hill Road.

IN JACKMAN, Saturday at 2:06 p.m., a motor vehicle accident was investigated on Heald Stream Road.

IN KINGFIELD, Saturday at 6:21 a.m., a structure fire was reported on Cedar Street.

IN MADISON, Saturday at 12:16 p.m., a motor vehicle accident was investigated on Lakewood Road.

IN NEW SHARON, Saturday at 7:39 a.m., a motor vehicle accident was reported on Whittier Road.


IN OAKLAND, Saturday at 10:49 a.m., peace was restored where a threatening complaint was reported on Brook Street.

IN PITTSFIELD, Sunday at 1:16 a.m., a domestic dispute report was investigated on Canaan Road.

IN SKOWHEGAN, Saturday at 7:35 p.m., a burglary was investigated on West Front Street.

8:27 p.m., a domestic dispute report was investigated on Family Circle.

9:27 p.m., a domestic dispute report was investigated on Waterville Road and an arrest was made.

10:23 p.m., a domestic dispute report was investigated on Palmer Road.


Sunday at 1:02 a.m., a disturbance was reported on Madison Avenue.

1:27 a.m., a noise complaint was reported on Silver Street.

IN STARKS, Saturday at 6:02 p.m., a complaint of shots fired was reported on Snow Road.

IN STRONG, Sunday at 5:54 a.m., a motor vehicle accident with injuries was reported on Farmington Road.

IN WATERVILLE, Saturday at 9:32 a.m., suspicious activity was reported on Trafton Road.

10:50 a.m., a threatening complaint was investigated on Brook Street.


12:57 p.m., a motor vehicle accident was reported on Oak Street.

12:59 p.m., a motor vehicle accident was reported at Wal-Mart on Waterville Commons Drive.

2:23 p.m., a shoplifting complaint was investigated at Wal-Mart on Waterville Commons Drive.

3:36 p.m., a missing person was reported on Canabas Avenue.

7:11 p.m., an arrest was made at a motor vehicle stop on Elm Street.

9:42 p.m., a theft was reported at Dunkin’ Donuts on College Avenue.


9:54 p.m., a motor vehicle burglary was invesigated on Chaplin Street.

Sunday at 12:48 a.m., a harassment complaint was reported on Boutelle Avenue.

1:38 a.m., a noise complaint was investigated on High Street.

2:26 a.m., suspicious activity was investigated on High Street.

4:05 a.m., a domestic dispute was investigated on Water Street.

5:11 a.m., a report of an intoxicated person was investigated on Main Street.


5:25 a.m., police issued a verbal warning at the scene of a noise complaint on Summer Street.

IN WINSLOW, Saturday at 6:05 p.m., a report of criminal mischief was investigated on Monument Street.

10:15 p.m., a warrant arrest was made on Bay Street.

11:22 p.m., an arrest was made at a motor vehicle stop on Benton Avenue.

Sunday at 12:12 a.m., an arrest was made at a motor vehicle stop on Augusta Road.



IN SOMERSET COUNTY, Saturday at 7:45 p.m., Dylan Almon Brown, 23, of Madison, was arrested on two counts of arson and charges of aggravated criminal mischief, burglary and theft.

9:56 p.m., Deyon Kitchin, 19, of Madison, was arrested on two counts of arson and charges of burglary, aggravated criminal mischief and theft.

11:38 a.m., Douglas J. Chartrand, 49, of Skowhegan, was arrested on a charge of domestic violence assault.

IN WATERVILLE, Saturday at 7:11 p.m., Phillip John Dumont, 27, of Boterf Drive, Belgrade, was arrested on Elm Street on charges of operating under the influence, operating while license suspended or revoked, failing to stop for an officer, violating conditions of release and a warrant.

IN WINSLOW, Saturday at 10:15 p.m., Scott James Lewis, 34, of Rockland Road, Jefferson, was arrested on Bay Street on a warrant.

11:22 p.m., Jacob Alan Colson, 25, of Holman Day Road, was arrested on Benton Avenue on charges of violating condition of release, possesion of marijuana and sale and use of drug paraphernalia.

Sunday at 12:12 a.m., Michael Ross Weeks, 29, of Pond Road, Manchester, was arrested on Augusta Road on charges of operating under the influence, failure to inform law enforcement of weapon, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, possession of marijuana, obstructing government administration, refusing to submit to arrest or detention, unlawful possession of scheduled drug.