WILTON — A proposed $3.2 million town budget considered by selectmen this week calls for an increase of $63,000 over current spending.

Department heads presented their 2016-2017 budget requests Monday night to the Selectboard in their first round of budget reviews.

Over the next month, the board and the finance committee plan to meet with department heads and agencies to review and discuss their proposals. The committee will be holding a two-part meeting on March 21 and March 22 to give its final review of the budget and vote on recommendations. The Selectboard will hold its final review March 23 and vote on recommendations. A final vote on the town warrant will be held May 3, prior to Town Meeting on June 20.

Included in the proposed budget is $45,000 toward debt payments for upgrades being made to the waste treatment plant on Davis Court.

At a public hearing earlier this month, selectmen recommended adding $60,000 to the budget to help counter steep sewer rate increases that are set to occur as remaining loan payments on $10.8 million are due.

The remaining $15,000 of the selectmen’s recommendation would be appropriated from the Comfort Inn and Suites Tax Increment Financing district.


Town Manager Rhonda Irish said the total proposed budget reflects several increases, but also decreases, from last year’s budget.

Notable increases include $24,000 in the general administration budget for employer contributions to insurance premiums for two employees who have changed their insurance plan.

Similarly, an increase of $37,500 is included in the Highway Department account for three employees who have changed their insurance coverage, reflecting a higher employer contribution.

The proposed budget for debt service is down $46,450 from last year with the final payment on the East Dixfield firetruck having been made last year and money from the sale of Engine 7 having been used to pay this year’s payment on the Wilton Quint/Ladder Truck.

The budget proposal also includes using a total of $80,000 from surplus to go toward several town capital improvement projects. It is proposed that $50,000 be added from surplus to the town’s Building Demolition Capital Account for the demolition of town-owned buildings as needed. This would include covering some demolition of the Forster Mill if federal funding opportunities do no come through.

Additionally, it is proposed that $20,000 be taken from surplus to rebuild the retaining wall at Kineowatha Park, and $10,000 be used to repair areas of the retaining wall at the foot of Wilson Lake.

Lauren Abbate — 861-9252


Twitter: @Lauren_M_Abbate