AUGUSTA — Here is a list from the Capital Judicial Center of cases closed April 21-28, 2016, in Augusta and Waterville courts:

John D. Begin, 47, of Chelsea, attaching false plates March 9, 2016, in Augusta; $100 fine.

Katrina L. Bingham, 25, of Waterville, operating while license suspended or revoked Feb. 16, 2016, in Waterville, dismissed.

Laura A. Bingiel, 32, of Gardiner, operating while license suspended or revoked Feb. 16, 2016, in Gardiner; $750 fine.

Emma Bunker, 20, of Augusta, attaching false plates March 12, 2016, in Gardiner; $150 fine.

Jacob E. Burton, 37, of Oakland, domestic violence assault Jan. 20, 2016, in Oakland; 364-day jail sentence, all but nine days suspended, one-year probation. Violating protection from abuse order and violating condition of release, both the same date, dismissed.


Bryson Camp, 19, of Farmington, possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 ounce, use of drug paraphernalia and minor transporting liquor, all July 14, 2015, in China, dismissed.

Heath Dupont, 43, of Augusta, violating protection from abuse order March 11, 2016, and criminal attempt April 4, 2016, both in Augusta; 30-day jail sentence.

Joseph Everett, 50, of Augusta, criminal trespass Sept. 10, 2015, in Augusta, dismissed.

Sandy Farrington, 45, of Gardiner, operating while license suspended or revoked March 3, 2016, in Gardiner; $500 fine.

Lorie A. Feather, 52, of Skowhegan, operating while license suspended or revoked July 9, 2015, in Augusta; $250 fine. Violating condition of release, same date, dismissed.

Herby J. Fournier, 33, of Benton, assault Aug. 17, 2012, in Clinton, dismissed.


Tyler E. Fyfe, 18, of Pittston, operating vehicle without a license Feb. 23, 2016, in Gardiner; $150 fine.

Melanie Henderson, 45, of China Village, keeping unlicensed dog Feb. 1, 2016, in China, dismissed.

Christy A. Holt, 31, of Winslow, possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 ounce, April 8, 2016, in Winslow, dismissed.

Breanna Lee, 25, of Auburn, violating condition of release April 24, 2016, in Waterville; 72-hour jail sentence.

Harley R. Leeman, 22, of West Gardiner, failing to make oral or written accident report Feb. 21, 2016, in Monmouth; $250 fine. Failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, same date, dismissed.

Dustin Mathias, 27, of Waterville, sex trafficking Jan. 18, 2016, and operating while license suspended or revoked Feb. 4, 2016, both in Waterville; $750 in fines, 48-hour jail sentence.


Scott A. Mccallister, 48, of Monmouth, operating while license suspended or revoked Feb. 26, 2016, in Monmouth; $500 fine.

Danielle A. Meservey, 31, of Augusta, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer Nov. 9, 2015, in Augusta; 180-day jail sentence, all suspended, one-year administrative release.

Kenneth Palmer, 52, of Manchester, criminal trespass and criminal mischief, both March 26, 2016, in Waterville; 30-day jail sentence.

Todd Parsons, 39, of Pittsfield, operating while license suspended or revoked Feb. 21, 2016, in Clinton, dismissed.

Mackenzie R. Peatfield, 20, of Waterville, minor consuming liquor Oct. 31, 2015, in Oakland; $200 fine.

John Racine Jr., 26, of Randolph, violating protection from abuse order April 21, 2016, in Randolph; 48-hour jail sentence.


Lynnaya P. Regalado, 19, of Litchfield, use of drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 ounce, both Sept. 27, 2015, in Chelsea, dismissed.

Caleb C. Scribner, 33, of Harrison, operating while license suspended or revoked March 16, 2016, in Gardiner, dismissed.

Reid Q. Shostak, 18, of Augusta, minor consuming liquor Feb. 6, 2016, in Augusta; $200 fine.

Todd Simpson, 42, of Waterville, burglary and aggravated criminal mischief, both Oct. 10, 2015, in Waterville; three-year jail sentence, all but 15 days suspended, two years’ probation, $4,366 restitution.

Casey A. Smith, 23, of Winslow, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer Dec. 20, 2015, in Waterville; $500 fine.

Craig C. Spencer, 36, of Litchfield, operating under the influence and operating while license suspended or revoked, both Nov. 6, 2015, in Monmouth; $1,300 in fines, $600 suspended, 10-day jail sentence, three-year license and registration suspension.


Richard Sykes, 43, of Waldoboro, operating while license suspended or revoked Feb. 12, 2016, in Monmouth; $250 fine.

Laurie A. Taylor, 50, of Dixfield, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer Oct. 22, 2014, in Augusta, dismissed.

Rene Thibodeau, 29, of Augusta, failure to register vehicle March 3, 2016, in Augusta; $150 fine.

Megan J. Vanliet, 30, of Oakland, theft by deception Feb. 14, 2016, in Waterville, dismissed.

Matthew T. Watson, 46, of Benton, failure to register vehicle March 17, 2016, in Clinton, dismissed.

Randy Witham, 22, of Freedom, possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 ounce, March 2, 2016, in China; $350 fine.

Charles H. Woodbury, 58, of Wilton, displaying fictitious vehicle certificate March 14, 2016, in Winthrop; $150 fine.

Scott A. Wright, 20, of Brunswick, attaching false plates March 12, 2016, in Hallowell; $150 fine.

Christian M. Yahnel, 27, of Clinton, attaching false plates March 8, 2016, in Winslow; $100 fine.