A federal judge has sentenced a Boston man to 30 years in prison for operating a sex-trafficking ring in 14 states, including Maine, where he was ultimately arrested in 2014, according to the office of Carmen Ortiz, U.S. attorney for Massachusetts.

Raymond Jeffreys, 28, of Dorchester, who went by the street names “Skame,” “Skame Dollarz,” and “Frenchy,” pleaded guilty in January to charges of sex trafficking, tampering with a witness by attempting to kill him, and making false statements to a federal agent. He was sentenced Monday in Boston by U.S. District Judge Denise J. Casper.

According to prosecutors, Jeffreys coerced women and underage girls into prostitution, using threats of force and manipulation. He and a co-defendant, Corey Norris, conspired to shuttle them across the country and throughout the Northeast.

A total of 20 women and girls were rescued following Jeffreys’ May 2014 arrest in Portland, including some who hail from Maine, and others who were brought here.

The criminal enterprise operated beginning as late as 2006, and continued until Jeffreys and Norris, who was sentenced to 15 years, were arrested.

“Raymond Jeffreys devastated the lives of his victims,” said Ortiz. “He feigned affection, instilled fear and used violence to control these young women. While no amount of jail time will undo the trauma he inflicted, his sentence demonstrates that those who violate the standards of human decency will face the force of justice.”