WINSLOW — Chickens and body cameras are on the table for the Town Council meeting on Monday.

The council will meet at 6:45 p.m. at the Town Office to discuss a resolution that would let the Police Department use $1,500 to buy body cameras for police officers. The money would be taken from the Confiscated Fund Account, which holds money handed over by judges from criminal cases.

Town Manager Michael Heavener said last week that the pod cameras “protect everyone all the way around.” If approved at the meeting, the resolution will be adopted.

The council will also discuss two ordinances that would allow residents to keep chickens for personal use. The first changes the language in the town’s definition of agriculture to allow residents to produce farm products for personal use, rather than just to sell.

“It would make it possible for people who live in zoning areas that allow agriculture to keep them for personal use,” Heavener said in a phone interview Friday.

The second would allow residents with less than two acres of land to keep chickens for personal use. This would apply to mixed use, medium density residential and high density residential zoning districts.


Residents on lots with more than one acre couldn’t have more than 12 female chickens. Among other restrictions the ordinance prohibits outdoor slaughtering and requires that the chickens be kept in a secure, clean, dry and odor-free enclosure if on lots smaller than two acres.

There is also a proposed sewer flow rate charge increase on the agenda. If approved, the rate would increase from $2.60 per 100 cubic feet to $3 per 100 cubic feet, which would amount to an annual increase of about $25 for the average user.

The change will increase revenue for the sewer department by $65,346.

The increase is necessary to fund sewer projects, which can be costly, Heavener said. The town has been using surplus funds for the projects up until now. It’s been about three years since the sewer flow rate charge was last increased, Heavener said.

There will also be three reappointments and one appointment of town committee and board members. There is currently a vacancy on the Kennebec Regional Development Authority board for a two-year term.

Madeline St. Amour – 861-9239

Twitter: @madelinestamour