WISCASSET — Fashions of Their Times 1805-1920, an interactive fashion workshop, is planned for 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, Aug. 6, at the Nickels-Sortwell House Barn, 121 Main St.

Admission will cost $15 for Historic New England members, $25 nonmembers. Advance purchase is required, space is limited. Call 882-7169 to purchase admission or visit shop.historicnewengland.org. The barn entrance is on Federal Street.

Wiscasset Site Manager and historic costume collector Peggy Konitzky will share the fashion of the early 19th century to the Roaring 20s. Attendees can see the types of clothes the women of Castle Tucker and the Nickels-Sortwell House would have worn. The show will feature the type of clothing wealthy women like Tempe Lee and Jane Nickels wore in 1807; fashion in the years between them and Mollie Tucker in the 1860s when she lived in Wiscasset as a young mother; clothing privileged women like Gertrude and Frances Sortwell wore as the 19th century moved into the 20th; and an illustrated slide show and an up-close and personal look at examples of the kind of clothes these women wore from Konitzky’s personal collection as well as the collection of local antique dealer Faye Snyder of Parade Antiques will be shared.

For more information on this and other Historic New England house museums and programs, visit www.historicnewengland.org.