The Portland Public Library will host a community forum Tuesday focusing on Maine’s upcoming referendum on whether to require background checks for most private gun sales.

The forum is part of series of election-related discussions called the Choose Civility Initiative, which is a partnership between the library and the Portland Press Herald. Panel discussions are intended to help voters sort through the decisions looming in the Nov. 8 election, from races for the presidency, Congress and the state Legislature to referendums on issues such as marijuana legalization and the minimum wage.

The subject of Tuesday’s forum is Question 3 on the state ballot, which would require specific background checks for gun sales and transfers. Panelists Nick Wilson of the Maine Gun Safety Coalition and David Trahan of the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine will present the two sides of the issue. The forum will be moderated by Kevin Miller of the Portland Press Herald.

The hourlong forum will begin at noon in the Rines Auditorium of the main library on Congress Street.

Future forums will address marijuana legalization, the minimum wage, the economy and immigration.