AUGUSTA — A Waterville man was sentenced to an initial three years behind bars Thursday for a series of crimes that include thefts, drug trafficking and driving after suspension.

Justin Andrew Thomas, 28, pleaded guilty to the offenses at the Capital Judicial Center. The remainder of the eight-year sentence imposed was suspended, and Thomas was placed on two years’ probation.

Justice Michaela Murphy told Thomas that if he violates probation, he could go back to prison for five years.

Thomas, who was represented by attorney Lisa Whittier, said he understood that.

Thomas was convicted of operating after suspension and theft of tools, a car seat cover and gloves from Wal-Mart in Waterville, all of which occurred on July 27, 2016.

Thomas also was convicted of theft for stealing clothing on July 15, 2016, from the Augusta Wal-Mart.


He was convicted of failure to comply with the sex offender registration act May 17, 2016; of unlawful traffcking in heroin and/or fentanyl and/or acetyl fentanyl that occurred April 26, 2016; and of conspiracy to commit aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs which occurred March 1 to July 5, 2016, all in Waterville.

Betty Adams — 621-5631

Twitter: @betadams