Michael Bloomberg opted against running for president this election cycle. But he still may have a political future.

In a batch of newly leaked emails, purportedly from the Clinton campaign, that were posted online Saturday by WikiLeaks, an aide to Bloomberg confirmed to Hillary Clinton’s aides in June 2015 that the former New York City mayor would not run for president.

Neera Tanden, a longtime Clinton confidante, messaged Howard Wolfson, a senior adviser to Bloomberg, asking “what is up” in regard to reports that the billionaire businessman might run for president.

Wolfson called the reports “laughable.”

“Is there something Mike Bloomberg would want to do in his life in an Admin? Is like Ambassador to China way too small,” replied Tanden, who heads the Center for American Progress, a liberal public policy and advocacy group in Washington.

“Secty of state Which ain’t gonna happen,” wrote Wolfson.


Still, Tanden took the statement seriously enough to forward the email to John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman.

“Something to know for down the road,” she wrote.

Bloomberg, who is a registered independent, has endorsed Clinton and called her Republican rival, Donald Trump, a “con man.”

As in previous leaks, the Clinton campaign has refused to confirm or deny whether the latest batch of emails is authentic.

Citing U.S. intelligence officials, they blame the Russian government for hacking Democratic officials’ digital networks in an attempt to help elect Trump.

WikiLeaks has released thousands of emails between Clinton aides regarding campaign strategy, speeches and gossip.