Indiana Gov. Mike Pence delicately broke with Donald Trump on a range of topics Sunday, including his running mate’s personal attacks against women who have accused him of sexual assault and on whether Russian hackers are responsible for leaking Democratic Party emails.

Pence said he would not have disparaged the women who have accused Trump, even while defending Trump against the accusations. The Republican presidential nominee has been widely criticized for suggesting on several occasions that he could not have sexually assaulted several of the women because they were not attractive enough.

“I wouldn’t say anything to disparage any woman who believes they’ve had an experience like this. But Donald Trump’s made it clear that these allegations are categorically false,” Pence said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Pence also sought to play down his running mate’s rhetoric about the 2016 campaign’s being “rigged.” Trump has been under fire in recent days for his insistence that the 2016 campaign election is fixed and for telling his supporters to monitor polling places on Election Day. Trump’s critics say this could lead to violence and voter suppression.

“We will absolutely accept the result of the election. Look, the American people will speak in an election that will culminate on November the eighth,” Pence told host Chuck Todd. “But the American people are tired of the obvious bias in the national media. That’s where the sense of a rigged election goes here, Chuck.”