Two days after a judge in Kennebec County sealed the detailed account of allegations against the Winthrop teen who is accused of killing his parents early Monday, the state Office of the Chief Medical Examiner is releasing no information on the manner and cause of death of Antonio and Alice Balcer.

In an email from the Office of the Attorney General, Timothy Feeley, a special assistant in the office, cited several reasons. That office is barring the release of documents because the matter relates to a juvenile and because a determination has not yet been made whether Andrew Balcer, 17, will be charged as an adult or as a juvenile, Feeley said. The prosecution in this case, which is the attorney general’s office, has requested a hearing that would allow Andrew Balcer, who turns 18 next month, to be tried as an adult.

Feeley also said details about deaths are contained in records that have been ordered impounded until further order of the court and that premature release of the information can affect the investigation, which is in its very early stages.

Premature release of the investigation details can prejudice the rights of the accused, he said, and affect the court’s ability to impanel a fair, impartial jury as well as the ability of the state to try the case if a trial is held, and to protect the privacy interests of surviving family members.

The Balcers, both 47, were found dead in their Pine Knoll Road home after someone called 911 about 1:45 a.m. Police arrested their son, Andrew Balcer, and earlier this week he was charged with two counts of knowing or intentional murder. He is being held at the Long Creek Youth Development Center in South Portland.

Judge Eric Walker ordered that the probable cause affidavit detailing police findings in the case be sealed from public viewing.


Walker also has ordered that Andrew Balcer undergo a psychological evaluation.

A senior at Winthrop High School, Andrew Balcer has been described by friends and family as “a normal, happy kid,” but also as sometimes distant and rude.

This past summer, some of his classmates at Winthrop High School didn’t know what to think when he sent out a series of “eerie” Facebook messages apologizing for anything he had done to offend them and vowing to be a better person.

His next scheduled court appearance is later this month.

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