SKOWHEGAN — Closed cases for Sept. 6-9, 2016, in Skowhegan District Court and Somerset County Superior Court.
Marcus T. Allen, 39, of Oakland, operating while license suspended or revoked July 20, 2016, in Smithfield; $250 fine.
Isaiah Ayer, 19, of St. Albans, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer July 16, 2016, in Palmyra; $200 fine.
Nathan E. Beane, 23, of Embden, operating vehicle without license May 23, 2016, in Solon; $150 fine.
Cheryal L. Brogdon, 32, of Tampa, Fla., operating vehicle without a license July 22, 2016, in Pittsfield; $150 fine.
Steven P. Caine, 21, of Beaconsfield, Quebec, use of drug paraphernalia Aug. 4, 2016, in Sandy Bay Township; dismissed. Possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 ounces, Aug. 4, 2016, in Sandy Bay Township; $350 fine.
Marisol M. Caro, 41, of Elizabeth City, North Carolina, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer June 5, 2016, in Skowhegan; $200 fine. Operating vehicle without license May 13, 2016, in Madison; $250 fine. Failing to make oral or written accident report May 13, 2016, in Madison; $150 fine. Unlawful use of inhalants, July 15, 2016, in Skowhegan; $100 fine.
Keith Richard Croft, 42, of Moscow, operating while license suspended or revoked July 2, 2016, in Caratunk; $250 fine. Failing to notify of motor vehicle accident same date and town; dismissed.
Nicholas P. Davis, 28, of Canaan, unlawful use of bait in artificial lure only water June 12, 2016, in Skowhegan; $100 fine.
Dustin L. Everett, 32, of Anson, operating while license suspended or revoked July 20, 2016, no town listed; $500 fine.
Kimberly A. Falk, 36, of Anson, operating while license suspended or revoked July 29, 2016, in Fairfield; $250 fine.
Corey A. Gerard, 33, of Canaan, failure to register vehicle July 22, 2016, in Canaan; $200 fine. Operating while license suspended or revoked, same date and town; dismissed.
James Green, 35, of Bangor, aggravated criminal mischief July 2, 2015, in Fairfield; 24-month Department of Corrections sentence, $3,191 restitution. Theft by unauthorized use of property July 2, 2015, in Fairfield; 24-month Department of Corrections sentence.
Patrick R. Grigway, 22, of Norridgewock, domestic violence terrorizing June 28, 2016, in Skowhegan; 364-day jail sentence, all but 15 days suspended, one year of probation. Obstructing report of a crime June 28, 2016, in Skowhegan; 15-day jail sentence. Domestic violence assault and theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, June 28, 2016, in Skowhegan; dismissed. Operating while license suspended or revoked Sept. 7, 2016, in Skowhegan; $500 fine, 48-hour jail sentence; violating condition of release Sept. 7, 2016, in Skowhegan; 48-hour jail sentence.
Ronald H. Hall Jr., 51, of Madison, criminal trespass July 27, 2016, in Madison; $200 fine. Unlawful possession of scheduled drug July 27, 2016, in Madison; $400 fine.
Michele M. Hancock, 61, of Hartland, operating vehicle without license Aug. 7, 2016, in Pittsfield; $50 fine.
Arthur D. Harsh, 49, of Skowhegan, criminal trespass Sept. 1, 2016, in Skowhegan; 12-hour jail sentence. Criminal trespass Sept. 6, 2016, in Skowhegan; 48-hour jail sentence. Violating condition of release Sept. 6, 2106, in Skowhegan; 48-hour jail sentence.
Garrett M. Henry, 32, of Skowhegan, unlawful possession of scheduled drug April 19, 2016, in Skowhegan; $400 fine, 180-day jail sentence, all suspended, one-year administrative release. Unlawful possession of scheduled drug April 19, 2016, in Skowhegan; $400 fine. Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer April 17, 2016, in Skowhegan; dismissed.
John M. James, 25, of Newport, operating under the influence April 29, 2016, in Palmyra; $500 fine, 48-hour jail sentence, 150-day license suspension.
Laurie J. Knight, 50, of Detroit, criminal trespass July 5, 2016, in Pittsfield; $100 fine.
Michael Knight, 28, of Bingham, failure to register vehicle July 15, 2016, no town listed; $100 fine.
Bruce A. Langley, 37, of Clinton, operating after habitual offender revocation Feb. 26, 2015, in Fairfield; $500 fine, 30-day jail sentence. Operating after habitual offender revocation May 8, 2016, in Fairfield; $500 fine, 30-day jail sentence; violating condition of release May 8, 2016, in Fairfield; 10-day jail sentence.
Henry H. Leathers, 48, of Madison, negotiating a worthless instrument April 21, 2016, in Madison; $100 fine. Negotiating a worthless instrument, same date and town; dismissed.
Stacy Lunt, 48, of Newport, failure to stop, remain, provide information May 22, 2016, in Pittsfield; $250 fine.
Carla S. Lynch, 44, of St. Albans, operating while license suspended or revoked July 13, 2016, in Palmyra; $500 fine.
Mark R. Messer, 44, of Embden, failure to register vehicle July 24, 2016, in Solon; $100 fine.
Trevor R. Miller, 18, of Anson, hindering apprehension of prosecution July 18, 2016, in Anson; dismissed.
James Moore, 58, of Madison, operating while license suspended or revoked June 20, 2016, in Norridgewock; dismissed.
Shane E. Murphy, 41, of Norridgewock, operating while license suspended or revoked July 5, 2016, in Norridgewock; $500 fine.
Ernest N. Nault, 46, of Skowhegan, violating condition of release Feb. 12, 2016, in Madison; 30-day jail sentence. Violating condition of release Feb. 19, 2016, in Madison; 30-day jail sentence.
Christy L. Newell, 36, of Skowhegan, criminal mischief June 29, 2016, in Skowhegan; 30-day jail sentence, $350 restitution. Criminal trespass July 9, 2016, in Skowhegan; 30-day jail sentence.
Michael D. Nickerson, 30, of Fairfield, operating while license suspended or revoked April 23, 2015, in Fairfield; $500 fine.
Sophia E. Peters, 18, of Madison, disorderly conduct, loud unreasonable noise July 27, 2016, in Madison; $200 fine.
Lisann L. Presby, 32, of Cornville, allowing dog to be at large Aug. 2, 2016, in Cornville; $50 fine.
Thomas J. Roderick, 30, of Solon, operating all-terrain vehicle on public way July 28, 2016, in Solon; $100 fine.
Lawrence N. Savage II, 71, of Bingham, violating public fire safety rule July 20, 2016, in Skowhegan; $500 fine. Violating public fire safety rule July 20, 2016, in Skowhegan; $500 fine.
Karol E. Shaw, 52, of Salem, operating vehicle without license July 20, 2016, in Norridgewock; dismissed.
Alex L. Sherwood, 25, of Burnham, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer June 14, 2016, in Pittsfield; 10-day jail sentence, $2.38 restitution.
Richard Alamn Sisco, 45, of Canaan, failing to notify of motor vehicle accident July 5, 2016, in Canaan; $400 fine.
Tina M. Stadig, 40, of Skowhegan, theft of services Sept. 3, 2016, in Skowhegan; three-day jail sentence, $121 restitution. Violating condition of release, same date and town; dismissed.
Richard O. Tarsook, 45, of Guilford, disorderly conduct, loud noise, private place Aug. 27, 2016, in Bingham; $300 fine.
Wally C. Towers Jr., 51, of Skowhegan, operating after habitual offender revocation April 17, 2016, in Skowhegan; $500 fine, 90-day jail sentence.
Troy J. Walther, no date of birth listed, of Anson, animal trespass July 20, 2016, in Anson; $300 fine.
Christopher R. Washburn, 29, of St. Albans, failure to register vehicle April 21, 2016, in Hartland; $100 fine.
Brett A. White, 51, of Skowhegan, theft by deception Dec. 15, 2012, in Skowhegan; two-year Department of Corrections sentence, all but two days suspended, two year probation, $3,501 restitution.
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