Joseph Pietroski, an incumbent member of the Winthrop school board, and Margaret “Meg” Cook, a veteran foreign language teacher in the Winthrop school district who recently retired, were elected to two open seats on the school board Tuesday.

They were competing in a three-way race that also included Jane Precourt, a former co-chairwoman of the parent-teacher association whose children are enrolled in Winthrop schools.

Cook received 1,093 votes and Pietroski received 970 votes, according to results the town provided Wednesday morning. Their terms are scheduled to last three years. Precourt received 793 votes.

In late October, the candidates said they were running for different reasons. Pietroski, 69, a three-term incumbent, said he was on the school board during a period when Winthrop schools made a number of improvements and would like to continue serving. He also said he likes to ask tough questions on the school board.

Cook, 65, a past president of the Winthrop teachers’ union, said that if elected, she would refer to the district’s strategic plan when making decisions. She also said local students should have more opportunities to learn about careers in teaching, as that could help address the shortage of teachers living in the area.

All three candidates said they would support hiring a third-party service to review future school budgets after the recent discovery by Winthrop officials that a budgeting error from 2015 left the district with about $700,000 less than it thought it had.


Milton Hadley, a current school board member, did not run for re-election.

On Tuesday, there were also two uncontested races on the Winthrop ballot. The terms of town Councilors Barbara Buck and Richard Henry are ending this fall, and both were re-elected to the council for three-year terms.

Three candidates also ran for three seats on the Bailey Public Library board of trustees: Mary Jane Auns, Rita Moran and Maureen Whitestone.

Charles Eichacker — 621-5642

Twitter: @ceichacker