After a cancellation last week because of inclement weather, the Gardiner City Council plans to meet Wednesday to discuss how it will undertake the search for a new city manager.

City elected officials will have a discussion with David Barrett of the Maine Municipal Association about the search and consider choosing MMA to conduct it. They also might decide whether to appoint an interim city manager after an executive session.

The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. at City Hall.

Earlier this month, City Manager Scott Morelli gave his notice after accepting a job in South Portland. His last day on the job is March 3.

The council also will consider adopting 2017 goals and meeting guidelines that were drafted during a council retreat at the end of January.

Three public hearings are scheduled — on making changes to the Land Use Ordinance, on general obligation bonds to pay for a new firetruck, and on making an appropriation from the city’s fund balance of $150,000 to be used for a leadership matching challenge for Johnson Hall to demonstrate municipal support for the project.


An executive session will be held to consider proposed purchase and sale and option agreements on lots at the Libby Hill Business Park.

Elected officials also will consider renewing the liquor license of the Depot Pub, renewing the bottle license of the Gardiner Sportsmen’s Club and approving a pawn license for Gardiner Trade Pawn; and making appointments to city committees.

Jessica Lowell — 621-5632

Twitter: @JLowellKJ

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