WASHINGTON — President Trump, who as a candidate ballyhooed a contract with voters on what he would accomplish in his first 100 days in office, on Friday called that a “ridiculous standard.”

The “S.C.” was apparently a reference to Trump’s Supreme Court pick, Neil M. Gorsuch, whom the Republican-led Senate confirmed this month after changing its filibuster rules over fierce objections from Democrats.

Trump hits the 100-day mark at the end of the next week. While the Republican president has issued a flurry of executive orders seeking to change the direction on multiple Obama administration policies, he has no major wins on Capitol Hill beyond Gorsuch.

Toward the end of his presidential campaign, Trump issued a “Contract with the American Voter” that, among other things, promised that he would introduce and “fight for” 10 specific pieces of legislation. Those included bills to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, dramatically cut taxes, spur $1 trillion in infrastructure investments and significantly expand school choice.

The only one of those 10 legislative items introduced at this point is the House health-care bill, which Trump embraced only to see it collapse in dramatic fashion last month. Trump is now pushing the House for a vote on a revived bill before he hits Day 100 – though House leaders have sounded skeptical about that.

Aware of Trump’s anemic output on Capitol Hill, aides have increasingly been touting his action of several foreign policy fronts and his use of executive actions, including one Thursday expediting an investigation into whether steel imports are jeopardizing U.S. national security.

Trump aides are also heavily promoting the president’s work with Republican lawmakers in an “unprecedented” way to make use of a little-known law known as the Congressional Review Act.

The law allows Congress a limited window to repeal regulations put in place by the president’s administration. Trump and GOP lawmakers have now worked together to repeal more than a dozen such regulations issued in the waning days of the Obama administration. By contrast, Trump aides said, the law was used only once before by other presidents.

As the 100-day mark approaches, Trump’s top press aides have said they are planning several activities to promote his progress on issues including immigration, regulatory reform and job creation. They went through a similar, but more limited exercise, when Trump hit the 50-day mark of his presidency.

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