WASHINGTON — The words “Pay Trump Bribes Here” were projected Monday night onto a wall above an entrance to the Trump Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue in downtown Washington.

The letters appeared directly above one of the entrances to the monumental structure at 12th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW. An arrow pointed from the words toward the entrance.

The letters were stripped across an entrance of the building just above an archway, apparently on a side of the building that has its main entrance on Pennsylvania Avenue.

The letters apparently were projected from outside the building onto the wall. It was not clear who projected them, or how.

Nor was it immediately known from where the words were projected.

A photograph showed the four words in letters that appeared to be about a foot or two in height.


Among the features that appear to suggest the authenticity of the photograph is the way some of the letters bend to conform to the shape of the stonework.

A passerby told a reporter Tuesday night that a man was projecting words onto the hotel in blue light about 9:30 p.m.

However, according to the passerby, the man was told to stop and he turned his projector off.

By an hour later, no sign could be seen of the letters. Pennsylvania Avenue was quiet, and pedestrians and cars moved up and down the street as usual.

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