The second annual Hall-Dale High School Empty Bowls Supper and K-12 Visual Arts Show is scheduled for 5-7 p.m. Thursday, June 1, at the high school. The supper will be held in the cafeteria, with artwork set up in the hallway, gymnasium and cafeteria.

Proceeds will benefit the Hall-Dale middle and high schools’ in-house food pantry.

This year the supper will coincide with a K-12 art show showcasing creativity from Hall-Dale students. High school art students have made and donated clay bowls for the event.

The in-house pantry provides snacks throughout the day for students who would normally go without, and provides weekend and vacation meal bags for those in need.

Bowls donated by students will cost $10. Bowls donated by local artisans will cost $20.

For more information, email Kimberly Sellers at