When the Gardiner City Council meets on Wednesday, it will consider making an appointment to the School Administrative District 11 board.

School board member Kathy Chadwick, who was elected in 2016, is stepping down from the board. Becky Fles, chairwoman of the SAD 11 school board, is asking that city elected officials appoint Tony Veit to fill the vacancy for the balance of the year.

The seat would be on the ballot in November, when someone would be elected to complete Chadwick’s term, which expires in 2019.

Fles said Monday that Chadwick is leaving the board because she has accepted a job with the state Department of Education and wanted to avoid any conflict. Fles said Veit, who has served on the school board in the past, had stepped down to complete his doctoral degree.

SAD 11 encompasses Gardiner, Pittston, Randolph and West Gardiner.

City elected officials are also expected to:


• Set a deadline in October for Sewer Discount Program applications

• Consider sewer abatements

• Grant a city permit to the Maine Department of Transportation to transport construction equipment that exceeds legal weight limits on city roads

• Grant a liquor license renewal for The Bench.

• Grant a special events permit for the Gardiner Business Community BBQ for July 20 on the Gardiner Common

• Discuss whether to allow members of the public to use a pump-out service for waste in their boats while they are docked at the Gardiner waterfront


Two executive sessions are scheduled for the start of the meeting, to discuss the applicants for the city manager search and a real estate matter.

The Gardiner City Council meets at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the City Council chamber at City Hall at 6 Church St.

Jessica Lowell — 621-5632


Twitter: @JLowellKJ

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