All four members of Maine’s congressional delegation condemned racist and hate groups on Twitter on Tuesday night. Some criticized President Trump following his news conference in New York in which he blamed “both sides” for weekend violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Independent Sen. Angus King: ” I had hoped we were on a path towards healing and reconciliation. I am truly disappointed by today’s press conference. To heal from acts of bigotry and hate fueled by white supremacists and hate groups, we need civil discourse – not divisive language.”

Republican Sen. Susan Collins: “The violence in Charlottesville was caused by racists & hate groups. We must unite against them.”

Democratic 1st District Rep. Chellie Pingree: “After violence in #Charlottesville sent shockwaves across country & inspired vigils across Maine, @POTUS defended neo-Nazis & the KKK. His statements today aren’t just words, they are tacit statements of support. … 9 rallies planned by white supremacists this wkd, @POTUS must denounce these groups & the hate they are trying to spread.”

Republican 2nd District Rep. Bruce Poliquin: “The acts of terrorism that took place this past weekend were horrific and unacceptable, and I unequivocally condemn them. Violence is never acceptable. We cannot promote or defend racial and religious hatred or groups that support it.”