AUGUSTA — This is a roundup of cases closed Aug. 17-23, 2017, in courts in Augusta and Waterville.

Nicholas W. Allen, 33, of Cornville, operating while license suspended or revoked March 31, 2017, in Waterville; $500 fine, seven-day jail sentence.

Trevor R. Arbour, 30, of Randolph, operating while license suspended or revoked June 14, 2017, in Farmingdale; $600 fine, 10-day jail sentence, one-year license suspension.

Tasha Baker, 36, of Mount Vernon, operating after registration suspended May 18, 2017, in Belgrade; dismissed.

Malachai Baskins, 18, of Waterville, minor consuming liquor June 25, 2017, in Waterville; $200 fine.

Adam Beales, 50, of Hallowell, operating while license suspended or revoked May 12, 2017, in Augusta; dismissed.


Amanda Lynn Bechard, 32, of Augusta, domestic violence assault Aug. 19, 2017, in Augusta; 48-hour jail sentence.

Joshua L. Belyea, 29, of Chelsea, violating condition of release Oct. 24, 2016, in Gardiner; $200 fine. Attaching false plates Oct. 24, 2016, in Gardiner; $200 fine.

Alan E. Bernardo, 30, of Hope, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer June 17, 2017, in Waterville; $200 fine; operating while license suspended or revoked June 17, 2017, in Waterville; $250 fine.

Elan Bills, 31, of Gardiner, failure to register vehicle June 12, 2017, in Gardiner; $100 fine.

Joshua M. Bilodeau, 25, of Waterville, attaching false plates March 17, 2017, in Waterville; $100 fine.

Nicholas Bosse, 29, of Chelsea, operating while license suspended or revoked April 24, 2017, in Gardiner; $500 fine.


Nicole M. Brougham, 29, of Farmingdale, operating while license suspended or revoked March 29, 2017, in Winthrop; $250 fine.

Elbert Brown, 56, of Augusta, operating under the influence April 27, 2017, in Augusta; $500 fine, 150-day license suspension. Operating vehicle without license — conditions/restrictions April 27, 2017, in Augusta; $100 fine.

Bobbie Jo Cameron, 48, of Caribou, operating under the influence Dec. 3, 2016, in Waterville; $700 fine, four-day jail sentence, 150-day license suspension. Unlawful possession of scheduled drug Dec. 3, 2016, in Waterville; $400 fine. Violating condition of release Dec. 3, 2016, in Waterville; four-day jail sentence.

Jeremy R. Cameron, 33, of Jefferson, operating while license suspended or revoked March 15, 2015, in Waterville; dismissed.

Ryan J. Carroll, 30, of Winslow, operating under the influence March 13, 2017, in Waterville; $700 fine, seven-day jail sentence, three-year license and registration suspension.

Sonya Lynn Cates, 37, of Winslow, assault July 31, 2017, in Winslow; $300 fine, 30-day jail sentence all but 17 days suspended, six-month administrative release. Violating condition of release July 31, 2017, in Winslow; seven-day jail sentence. Assault, same date and town; dismissed. Assault March 19, 2017, in Winslow; $300 fine, $300 suspended.


Jacquelyn Clarkson, 29, of Augusta, allowing dog to be at large March 23, 2017, in Augusta; $150 fine. Allowing dog to be at large March 23, 2017, in Augusta; $150 fine, $150 suspended.

Bryan E. Cocchio, 40, of Benton, driving to endanger June 4, 2017, in Benton; $575 fine, 30-day license suspension.

Seydou M. Coulibaly, 41, of Norcross, Georgia, commercial vehicle rule violation: operation with false duty status April 4, 2017, in West Gardiner; $250 fine.

Marc Henri Courtemanche Jr., 40, of Athens, operating while license suspended/revoked Nov. 6, 2016, in Waterville, and violating condition of release, same date and town, dismissed.

Steven A. Cushing, 31, of Augusta, criminal mischief July 8, 2017, in Augusta; $250 fine.

Nicholas R. Dane, 29, of West Gardiner, operating while license suspended or revoked June 23, 2017, in Farmingdale; $750 fine.


Andrew J. Dewar, 22, of Waterville, violating condition of release June 24, 2017, in Oakland; $150 fine.

Donna M. Dill, 51, of Augusta, allowing dog to be at large April 29, 2017, in Augusta; $50 fine.

William P. Dodge, 47, of Madison, operating while license suspended or revoked Oct. 22, 2016, in Waterville; $250 fine, 24-hour jail sentence.

David W. Dolloff, 32, of Augusta, failure to register vehicle June 29, 2017, in Augusta; $150 fine.

Blake David Doucette, 23, of Augusta, operating after registration suspended Feb. 18, 2017, in Augusta; dismissed.

Jasper Dustin, 32, of Oakland, operating without safety equipment July 12, 2017, in Oakland; $100 fine.


Mathew James Dyer, 29, of Warren, operating unregistered all-terrain vehicle May 27, 2017, in Augusta; $200 fine.

Jean Ego, 50, of Sidney, fishing without valid license July 1, 2017, in Belgrade; $100 fine.

Wayne P. Ego, 69, of Oakland, fishing without valid license July 1, 2017, in Belgrade; $100 fine.

Brian J. Emmons, 41, of Wiscasset, refusing to submit to arrest or detention, refuse to stop June 22, 2017, in Augusta; 48-hour jail sentence. Violating condition of release June 22, 2017, in Augusta; 48-hour jail sentence. Operating under the influence, same date and town; dismissed.

Anthony M. Figueroa, 33, of Waterville, domestic violence assault May 21, 2016, in Augusta; 364-day jail sentence, all but 60 days suspended, two-year probation.

Sarah A. Flanders, 18, of Gorham, operating under the influence May 3, 2017, in Gardiner; $500 fine, 275-day license suspension.


Jason Folkner, 42, of Gardiner, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer May 3, 2017, in Augusta; dismissed.

John Joseph Gagnon, 58, of Weeks Mills, theft by deception Jan. 3, 2017, in Augusta; $500 fine.

Travis R. Gerrier, 23, of Dixmont, tampering with witness, informant, juror or victim and violating condition of release, Jan. 1, 2016, in Belgrade; dismissed.

Arthur P. Gooldrup IV, 24, of Oakland, operating under the influence Feb. 10, 2017, in Oakland; $700 fine, 10-day jail sentence, three-year license suspension.

Kade M. Graves, 20, of Benton, operating under the influence July 9, 2017, in Benton; $500 fine, 150-day license suspension.

Glenn L. Gray, 55, of Winslow, operating under the influence July 3, 2017, in Winslow; $500 fine, four-day jail sentence, 150-day license suspension.


Randy S. Gregor, 58, of Randolph, operating while license suspended or revoked July 13, 2017, in South China; $250 fine.

Kenneth Hallowell, 28, of Winthrop, operating under the influence March 12, 2017, in Waterville; $700 fine, 10-day jail sentence, three-year license suspension. Operating vehicle without license, same date and town; dismissed.

Brock Hamilton, 30, of Farmingdale, operating while license suspended or revoked May 1, 2017, in Augusta; $500 fine. Violating condition of release, same date and town; dismissed. Operating while license suspended or revoked April 8, 2017, in Augusta; $500 fine. Violating condition of release June 17, 2017, in Winthrop; 48-hour jail sentence. Two counts unlawful possession of scheduled drug, same date and town; dismissed.

Bradley Haskell, 42, of Winslow, criminal trespass April 21, 2017, in Waterville; $400 fine. Criminal mischief, same date and town; dismissed. Violating condition of release June 23, 2017, in Waterville; dismissed.

Logan Hayward, 19, of Windsor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer May 22, 2017, in Augusta; $200 fine.

Shannon L. High, 30, of Cary, North Carolina, operating under the influence May 24, 2015, in Oakland; $500 fine, 150-day license suspension. Operating while license suspended or revoked May 24, 2015, in Oakland; $250 fine.


Erin Lee Hunter, 33, of Albion, operating while license suspended or revoked July 6, 2017, in Augusta; $250 fine.

Jona K. Hutchins, 69, of Richmond, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer June 27, 2017, in Waterville; $150 fine.

Joseph S. Hutchings, 35, of Auburn and Readfield, operating while license suspended or revoked April 24, 2017, in Manchester; $500 fine. Violating condition of release April 24, 2017, in Manchester; $100 fine. Operating while license suspended or revoked Jan. 25, 2017, in Readfield; dismissed.

Amanda Jurdak, 39, of Winslow, operating while license suspended or revoked Aug. 30, 2015, in Winslow; $250 fine.

Virginia G. Laurita, 18, of Camden, minor possessing liquor May 27, 2017, in Gardiner; $500 fine. Violating condition of release, same date and town; dismissed.

Patrick Lavoie, 63, of Winslow, drinking in public July 1, 2017, in Waterville; $100 fine. Two counts drinking in public, July 14, 2017, and July 15, 2017, in Waterville; dismissed.


Eric D. Leighton, 29, of Skowhegan, operating while license suspended or revoked July 10, 2017, in Clinton; $500 fine.

Micah L. Lutes, 35, of Winthrop, operating vehicle without license April 30, 2017, in Augusta; $100 fine.

Ian Scott Machado, 25, of Guilford, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer April 28, 2017, in Winslow;dismissed. Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer April 28, 2017, in Winslow; 30-day jail sentence. Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer April 28, 2017, in Winslow; 30-day jail sentence. Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer April 28, 2017, in Winslow; 30-day jail sentence. Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer April 28, 2017, in Winslow; 30-day jail sentence. Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer April 28, 2017, in Winslow; 30-day jail sentence. Burglary of a motor vehicle April 28, 2017, in Winslow; 364-day jail sentence, all but 90 days suspended, one-year probation. Burglary of a motor vehicle April 28, 2017, in Winslow; 30-day jail sentence. Burglary of a motor vehicle April 28, 2017, in Winslow; 30-day jail sentence. Burglary of a motor vehicle April 28, 2017, in Winslow; 30-day jail sentence. Burglary of a motor vehicle April 28, 2017, in Winslow; 30-day jail sentence.

William C. Maheu, 19, of Fairfield, attaching false plates June 21, 2017, in Albion; $100 fine.

Daniel F. Marceau, 41, of Vassalboro, operating while license suspended or revoked June 3, 2017, in Vassalboro; $500 fine. Attaching false plates June 3, 2017, in Vassalboro; $100 fine.

Evans Mathew Martin, 33, of Augusta, domestic violence assault June 8, 2017, in Augusta; dismissed.


Audra E. Masterson, 22, of St. George, domestic violence assault June 5, 2016, in Augusta; dismissed.

Tiffany L. Mathieu, 30, of Starks, unlawful possession of scheduled drug July 2, 2017, in Winslow; $400 fine. Operating under the influence, same date and town; dismissed.

Cathy N. McCarthy, 44, of Winslow, operating under the influence Jan. 27, 2017, in Rome; $500 fine, 96-hour jail sentence, 150-day license suspension.

Justin McInnis, 33, of Augusta, operating while license suspended or revoked May 15, 2015, in Randolph; $750 fine, 90-day jail sentence.

Stanley B. McLendon, 50, of Winslow, operating while license suspended or revoked July 20, 2017, in Chelsea; $250 fine.

James L. Mello, 67, of Brewer, operating vehicle without license — conditions/restrictions June 13, 2017, in Waterville; $100 fine.


Astin L. Merry, 32, of Searsport, attaching false plates March 15, 2017, in Waterville; $250 fine. Violating condition of release March 15, 2017, in Waterville; $250 fine. Operating while license suspended or revoked, same date and town; dismissed.

Brian David Miller, 37, of Waterville, use of drug paraphernalia July 4, 2017, in Winslow; $200 fine.

Tammy M. Mitchell, 32, of Winslow, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer June 17, 2017, in Waterville; $250 fine, $149.99 restitution.

Cody T. Myron, 23, of Oakland, operating under the influence July 1, 2017, in Benton; $500 fine, 150-day license suspension. Unlawful use of bait in artificial lure only water May 31, 2017, in Benton; $100 fine.

Robert A. Neal Sr., 63, of Winslow, unlawful use of bait in artificial lure only water May 26, 2017, in Winslow; $100 fine.

Wesley S. Nieves, 24, of Brunswick, motor vehicle speeding more than 30 mph over speed limit May 20, 2017, in Augusta; dismissed.


James N. Olsen, 27, of Winthrop, operating under the influence May 7, 2017, in Winthrop; $750 fine, 150-day license suspension. Refusing to sign criminal summons, same date and town; dismissed.

Juliann C. O’Neil, 39, of Brimfield, Massachusetts, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer Feb. 3, 2016, in Augusta; dismissed.

Lisa M. Peaslee, 39, of Whitefield, operating while license suspended or revoked June 30, 2017, in Augusta; $250 fine.

Shawna Peterson, 32, of Readfield, operating while license suspended or revoked March 10, 2017, in Waterville; $250 fine.

Stanley M. Piper III, 34, of Gardiner, domestic violence assault Jan. 16, 2016, in Rome; dismissed.

Ashley C. Pugh, 32, of Fairfield and Benton, operating while license suspended or revoked July 16, 2017, in Winslow; $600 fine, 10-day jail sentence, one-year license suspension. Violating condition of release July 16, 2017, in Winslow; 10-day jail sentence. Operating under the influence March 11, 2017, in Waterville; $700 fine, 10-day jail sentence, three-year license suspension. Operating while license suspended or revoked, same date and town; dismissed.


Joshua Reynolds, 32, of Winslow, fish violation of number, amount, weight or size May 27, 2017, in Vassalboro; $70 fine.

Anthony Richards-Cruz, 28, of Warren, operating unregistered ATV May 27, 2017, in Augusta; $200 fine.

Frank R. Richter, 39, of Heidelberg, Germany, operating without safety equipment July 1, 2017, in Belgrade; $100 fine.

Robert A. Riopel, 51, of Winslow, drinking in public July 1, 2017, in Waterville; $100 fine.

Meagan Roberts, 20, of Biddeford, minor consuming liquor July 2, 2017, in Winslow; $200 fine.

Alexander Sands, 20, of Waterville, theft by unauthorized use of property March 11, 2017, in Belgrade; dismissed.


Jujay Santiago, 18, of Waterville, criminal trespass June 28, 2017, in Waterville; $250 fine.

Philip H. Sawyer Jr., 29, of Skowhegan, motor vehicle speeding more than 30 mph over speed limit June 11, 2017, in Clinton; $500 fine.

Marcy Searles, 35, of Chelsea, operating while license suspended or revoked May 17, 2017, in Augusta; $250 fine.

Ray Searles, 34, of Phillips, fishing without valid license July 8, 2017, in Waterville; $100 fine.

Alexandria Shaw, 23, of Lewiston, operating under the influence April 21, 2017, in West Gardiner; $500 fine, 48-hour jail sentence, one-year and 60-day license suspension.

Robert E. Simonson, 55, of Clinton, animal trespass July 12, 2017, in Clinton; $100 fine. Animal trespass July 18, 2017, in Clinton; $100 fine. Animal trespass July 20, 2017, in Clinton; $100 fine. Animal trespass July 10, 2017, in Clinton; $100 fine.


Lori Small, 44, of Benton, operating while license suspended or revoked May 25, 2017, in Benton; $600 fine, seven-day jail sentence, one-year license suspension.

Brandon Smith, 20, of Sidney, failure to register vehicle July 20, 2017, in Winslow; $100 fine.

Percy B. Smith Jr., 71, of Waterville, fail to stop, provide information June 5, 2017, in Waterville; $150 fine.

Wyatt W. Smith, 29, of Mercer, operating while license suspended or revoked June 2, 2017, in Belgrade; $500 fine. Failure to give correct name, address, date of birth June 2, 2017, in Belgrade; $200 fine, $200 suspended. Failure to register vehicle, same date and town; dismissed.

Matthew R. Soucie, 36, of Brewer, fishing without valid license July 1, 2017, in Belgrade; $100 fine.

William A. Stanton, 28, of Portland, fish violation of number, amount, weight or size May 22, 2017, in Oakland; $120 fine.


Michael R. Storer, 38, of Wilton, violating condition of release Feb. 26, 2017, in Mount Vernon; $200 fine. Operating vehicle without license, same date and town; dismissed.

Kelsey R. Strickland, 25, of Augusta, criminal trespass July 10, 2017, in Augusta; 48-hour jail sentence.

Timothy Dale Sutter, 41, of West Gardiner, operating while license suspended or revoked May 21, 2015, in Clinton; $250 fine.

Haley E. Taranko, 19, of Augusta, operating while license suspended or revoked June 17, 2016, in Fayette; $250 fine.

Nathan Leon Theberge, 37, of West Gardiner, domestic violence assault March 26, 2016, in West Gardiner; dismissed.

Jessica Rena Thibeault, 25, of Augusta, district court summary contempt Aug. 18, 2017, in Augusta; 48-hour jail sentence.


Clayton A. Turner, 22, of China and South China, burglary Jan. 24, 2016, in Waterville; three-year Department of Corrections sentence, all but 90 days suspended, two-year probation. Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer Jan. 24, 2016, in Waterville; 90-day jail sentence. Violating condition of release March 4, 2017, in Winslow; seven-day jail sentence. Operating while license suspended or revoked Aug. 5, 2017, in Winslow; $600 fine, seven-day jail sentence, one-year license suspension. Violating condition of release Aug. 5, 2017, in Winslow; seven-day jail sentence. Operating vehicle without license — conditions/restrictions, same date and town; dismissed. Violating condition of release July 1, 2017, in Waterville; seven-day jail sentence.

Raymond L. Vallee III, 32, of Augusta, unlawful possession of scheduled drug Feb. 16, 2016, in Augusta; dismissed.

Bradley Vannah, 26, of Oakland, fishing without valid license April 2, 2017, in Waterville; $100 fine.

Kristie Wittman, 37, of Gray, failure to register vehicle June 2, 2017, in Augusta; dismissed.

Eric Worthing, 31, of Skowhegan, unlawful possession of scheduled drug June 13, 2016, in Manchester; $400 fine, six-month jail sentence. Unlawful possession of scheduled drug Oct. 23, 2016, in Waterville; $400 fine, four-month jail sentence. Failure to provide correct name, address, date of birth Oct. 23, 2016, in Waterville; 30-day jail sentence. Violating condition of release Oct. 23, 2016, in Waterville; 30-day jail sentence.

Stephen P. Yakimchick, 49, of Waterville, unlawful use of bait in artificial lure only water June 11, 2017, in Waterville; $100 fine.