Gardiner officials say they haven’t found a suitable candidate for the city manager’s job after six months and are expected to continue searching.
Officials are scheduled to meet in executive session at the start of Wednesday’s meeting to discuss the search as well as the memorandum of understanding to extend the term of Anne Davis, the interim city manager, and expanded duties of city department heads. The Gardiner City Council meets at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the City Council chamber at 6 Church St.
“We have not found the perfect candidate,” Gardiner Mayor Thom Harnett said Tuesday. “We’re fortunate we have a good set of department heads who have been here for a long time.”
The council contracted with the Maine Municipal Association for the search in March, following the departure Scott Morelli, who had accepted the city manager position in South Portland. The MMA’s proposal mapped out the steps of the search that included a needs assessment, developing a candidate profile and a ranking system to evaluate candidates.
Harnett said the City Council could consider whether to relaunch the search immediately or wait.
The council also is holding a public hearing on closing out four grants made through the Community Development Block Grant fund to Central Maine Meats, Common Wealth Poultry, Sebago Lake Distillery and Lost Orchard Brewing. Andrea Smith, of the state Department of Economic and Community Development, will be on hand, and members of the public will be given a chance to speak about those projects.
The council also is scheduled to present the Spirit of America Award to Robert Abbey for his service to Gardiner and will consider:
• reappointment of the police chief for a one-year term;
• forming an ad hoc committee to research the AARP Age Friendly Communities Program and make a recommendation about whether Gardiner should join the network;
• granting a pinball machine license to the Smith-Wiley Post 4, American Legion; and
• granting a special event permit for the 8th Annual Swine and Stein Oktoberfest, which is scheduled for Oct. 7.
At the conclusion of the meeting, city officials are expected to meet in executive session to discuss non-union wages, a real estate issue and a loan to Clerian Enterprises.
Jessica Lowell — 621-5632
Twitter: @JLowellKJ
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