The government may be shut down, but “Saturday Night Live” sketches about the president won’t be any time soon.
The NBC show kicked off last week’s episode by mentioning the Washington gridlock, then spent most of its time lampooning President Trump’s physical exam results. Once again, resident Trump impersonator Alec Baldwin didn’t appear.
Instead, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Aidy Bryant) introduced reporters in the briefing room to the lead White House doctor “to come out here and tell you about how not fat the president is.”
Navy Rear Adm. Ronny L. Jackson (Beck Bennett) is clearly enamored of Trump’s body, saying the president “has a gorgeous 44-inch Coke bottle waist” and “his height, 75 inches – with legs, well, they seem to go on forever.”
“It’s my expert opinion that the president’s got a rockin’ bod,” he adds.
The reporters in the sketch don’t buy it.
“There’s been questions about the president’s mental fitness and the White House has of course pushed back on that,” a reporter, played by Kate McKinnon, says. “Since you’ve examined him personally, my question is: How broke that brain?”
The fake Jackson reassures reporters that Trump passed his cognitive test “with flying colors, almost no hints.”
And when asked about how the president has bragged about doing better on the test than past presidents, the doctor responds: “In fairness, no other president has been given this exam. We typically only use it to make sure someone’s not severely brain damaged, or a monkey in people clothes.”
Pete Davidson, playing himself, pops up to ask a question: Did Trump mention anything about a sexual encounter with adult film star Stormy Daniels?
Bryant’s Sanders character kicks him out, and then later she pushes back on skeptics of Trump’s exam results.
“The president has passed every exam we gave him: physical exam, mental exam, the Tide pod challenge? Crushed it.”
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