CHESTERVILLE — Public hearings on a referendum for liquor sales and on a revised land use ordinance are scheduled for Thursday at the Town Office.

At 6 p.m., four liquor referendum questions will be discussed. Robert Wheeler, owner of The Corner Store, petitioned to get the questions on the annual town meeting warrant to meet state requirements.

Wheeler is seeking authorization to operate a state agency liquor store and to get a state license to sell liquor for consumption on the premises.

After that hearing, information on changes to the town’s land use ordinance will be presented. The Planning Board has been revising the 17-page document to make it less restrictive.

Three options were presented to selectmen last week:

• Option A is similar to the current ordinance;


• Option B relaxes rules for setbacks and property lines; and

• Option C adds definitions and information about variances and the appeals process to Option B.

Selectmen voted 3-0 to approve Option B.

Planning Board Chairman Bruce Verrill told selectmen notifications, not permits, would be required for new buildings or additions larger than 200 square feet. There is no charge for the notification.

If the revised ordinance is approved, copies of all notifications would go to the code enforcement officer, the assessor and the town office.

“It’s pretty easy to fill out the notification,” Verrill said.


The setback from the centerline of a town or state maintained road would be reduced from 75 feet to 35 feet, while the property line setback would be reduced from 15 feet to 10 feet.

Fences, steps, ramps and walkways would be exempt from setback requirements. The landowner assumes all liability for those not within the minimum setback requirements, according to the proposed change.

“It will save the town thousands in litigation fees,” Verrill said. “The property owner is responsible for violations.”

The revised ordinance gives the code enforcement officer authority to administer all regulations, including state and federal land use laws, and to enter any property with just cause and permission from the landowner or occupant to check for violations. If permission isn’t granted, legal action may be taken.

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