AUGUSTA — A crew from the Greater Augusta Utility District spent Sunday repairing a broken drinking water pipe in the area of Green and Bedford streets.
Utility district General Manager Brian Tarbuck said the water arterial pipe, 6 inches to 8 inches in diameter, in the residential neighborhood north of Western Avenue may have been damaged by a frost heave.
Gary Scott, the engineering technician on site, said the pipes and valves in that neighborhood are about 90 years old, and it took the crew longer to shut down the valves so they could work on the cast iron pipe than it took to fix the circumferential break in the pipeline.
Scott said the break was reported by a Department of Public Works employee who was plowing the streets in the neighborhood and noticed water running down the street.
The line was back in service and the street above the repair was patched by Sunday evening.
Jessica Lowell — 621-5632
Twitter: @JLowellKJ
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