WISCASSET — “From Nickels to Sortwells — The Life of a House,” a presentation by local historian Peggy Konitzky, is scheduled for 1 p.m. Sunday, March 4, in the Communications Building behind the Lincoln County Court House, 34 Bath Road.

The program is part of the Lincoln County Historic Association’s Winter Lecture Series.

Konitzky plans to tell the story of the Nickels-Sortwell House through its owners, occupants and observers.

Konitzky is historic New England’s Wiscasset site manager for Castle Tucker and the Nickels-Sortwell House. She also manages the Bowman Estate in Dresden and Marrett House in Standish.

The Lincoln County Historical Association is a nonprofit organization that provides stewardship for the 1754 Chapman-Hall House in Damariscotta, the 1761 Pownalborough Court House in Dresden, and the 1811 Old Jail and Museum in Wiscasset.

Coffee and pastries will be served. A $5 donation is suggested.

For more information, visitlincolncountyhistory.org.