WINSLOW — The school board continued working on a draft of the budget for the 2018-2019 fiscal year at a special meeting at the junior high school Monday evening.

Administrators presented proposals for cost centers such as the elementary school, special services and central office budgets.

The budget for the elementary school is up by $324,787, or 10.26%, at $3.49 million for the academic year.

One of the larger increases in the school’s budget comes from school development. The school is asking for $3,500 to pay for some instructional tools and help the faculty leadership plan for the future.

The school is also asking for some new equipment including stand-up desks, document cameras to replace overhead projectors, and a new cabinet in the computer lab, which would cost $1,300.

After a review done by the Department of Education, the state suggests that the school purchase an early literacy program for the pre-kindergarten students that they currently do not have. To purchase some needed new materials and the program it will cost $3,500.


Additionally, the librarian is asking for $6,000 for new library books, which is a $3,200 increase from last year.

The maintenance budget for the elementary school, which is a part of the overall elementary budget, is up up $48,691 at $132,784.

The proposal includes replacement of several doors that are 25 years old and are beginning to rust and rot. In total, replacement of those doors will cost the school $19,810.

Additionally, the school needs to replace some hallway flooring which is expected to cost $7,500. Classrooms are also due for a new coat of paint, which will cost $5,000.

Another big budget item for the custodian team will be a carpet extractor at $3,850.

The special education budget, which serves 217 students enrolled in kindergarten through 12th grade, is up $333,948 or 14.89% at $2.57 million.


The cost of the central office is dependant on the outcome of the referendum to dissolve the AOS. If the AOS is dissolved, the cost of the central office will be up $254,696, or 23.76% at $1.32M. The increase will include the salary of staff including a superintendent, curriculum director, an instructional specialist and others.

The board and administrators will go over the expected revenue from next year and will then do another round of working through the expenditures in the coming weeks.

Emily Higginbotham — 861-9239

Twitter: @EmilyHigg

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