FARMINGTON — Voters adopted one ordinance, approved amendments to two others and accepted Kashke Drive as a town way at Monday’s Town Meeting.

Kashke Drive provides access to Kashke Terraces, a 14-lot subdivision off Holley Road. The Planning Board approved the subdivision in 1999. The 1,300-foot road loops through it and was built to town-prescribed standards.

Resident Elaine Graham asked why the town would take on more roads when it cannot handle the ones it has.

Town Manager Richard Davis said the recently paved road should not need maintenance for a long time.

He said the increased value of the 14 lots will more than cover the estimated $1,200-a-year cost to plow it.

“Government is here to serve the people,” Davis said. “That includes businesses.”


Owner and resident Colon Durrell said Kashke Terraces meets the town’s Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. He spent more than $50,000 to pave the road.

“I think that’s the right way to do it,” he said before the vote.

The amendment to the town’s zoning ordinance adds a performance standard for odor nuisance control and abatement, which will enhance the town’s ability to stay informed of potential nuisance odors, monitor and evaluate them, encourage voluntary remediation and compliance and enforce compliance when necessary.

Code Enforcement Officer J. Stevens Kaiser said the amendment stemmed from comments received about medical marijuana growing facilities. It will not affect agricultural production where best-management practices are used.

One resident said the amendment appeared to single out one group.

Kaiser was asked if there was a measurement or if specific times of the day were considered when determining what would be considered a nuisance.


Kaiser said four community members, appointed by the selectmen, would serve on a committee with code enforcement staff to investigate odor complaints objectively.

Resident Sally Speich said something more specific was needed.

When the vote was taken, 46 supported the amendment, with 40 opposed.

Amendments to the sign ordinance passed without debate.

The last article considered was the moratorium ordinance on new marijuana establishments, including medical marijuana businesses.

Davis said towns are waiting for the state to enact rules.

“The Legislature is struggling with that,” he said.

Selectman Stephan Bunker said the larger issue will be deciding whether the town will opt in or not, once those rules are made.

The ordinance was adopted with some voters opposed.