Freeport police are investigating a road rage incident between a Freeport High School student and another motorist Friday morning that revealed a security vulnerability at the school.

The incident began shortly before school began Friday morning when a student driving to school had an angry exchange with a motorist, Freeport police Sgt. Paul Powers said.

The adult motorist followed the student to the high school, where the two exchanged words in the parking lot, Powers said.

The student then told the motorist he had a knife. The motorist then entered the high school through a door to the Freeport Performing Arts Center – an entrance that was supposed to be locked, Powers said.

A teacher standing near the doorway immediately intercepted the man and asked him to return outside.

“No students were in the (Freeport Performing Arts Center) entrance at that time,” Jennifer Gulko, the Freeport High School principal, wrote in an email to parents. “Our school resource officer and administrators were on site and responded immediately.”


Maintenance workers then fixed the malfunctioning door latch that allowed the man to enter, Gulko said.

Powers said no charges have been filed, but the case remains under investigation.

Matt Byrne can be contacted at 791-6303 or at:

Twitter: MattByrnePPH

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