I am hoping that by the time this gets printed that the mayor of Waterville has owned up to his major lack of judgment and made a public apology for his inconsiderate and hurtful tweet aimed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg. His statement to the public completely skirted around his own unacceptable behavior and comes across to me as a diversion to his actions.

Two families that I have known for over 30 years have daughters that attend Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. One a senior, one a sophomore. Both were in school that day. Both witnessed and experienced the unthinkable. Both lost teachers, classmates, band members, club members, and close friends.

For the mayor to hide behind a screen and display such a cowardice act of disrespect to that young man is simply not OK. I don’t live in Waterville anymore but I did for 26 years. I also teach there, and have done so for the last 29 years. I have never seen such behavior happen without consequences. At the very least, the mayor owes a sincere apology.

Jane Lee


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