Son and former President George W. Bush:

“Laura, Barbara, Jenna, and I are sad, but our souls are settled because we know hers was. Barbara Bush was a fabulous First Lady and a woman unlike any other who brought levity, love, and literacy to millions. To us she was so much more.

“Mom kept us on our toes and kept us laughing until the end.I’m a lucky man that Barbara Bush was my mother. Our family will miss her dearly, and we thank you all for your prayers and good wishes.”

Son and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush:

“I’m exceptionally privileged to be the son of George Bush and the exceptionally gracious, gregarious, fun, funny, loving, tough, smart, graceful woman who was the force of nature known as Barbara Bush.”

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump:


“As a wife, mother, grandmother, military spouse, and former First Lady, Mrs. Bush was an advocate of the American family. Amongst her greatest achievements was recognizing the importance of literacy as a fundamental family value that requires nurturing and protection. She will be long remembered for her strong devotion to country and family, both of which she served unfailingly well.”

Former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama:

“Barbara Bush was the rock of a family dedicated to public service, and our thoughts and prayers are with both Presidents Bush and the entire Bush family tonight. We’ll always be grateful to Mrs. Bush for the generosity she showed to us throughout our time in the White House, but we’re even more grateful for the way she lived her life — as a testament to the fact that public service is an important and noble calling; as an example of the humility and decency that reflects the very best of the American spirit. She’ll be remembered for passing those American values on to her children, her grandchildren, her great-grandchildren — and to the countless citizens whom she and George inspired to become ‘points of light’ in service to others.”

Former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:

“Barbara Bush was a remarkable woman. She had grit and grace, brains and beauty. She was fierce and feisty in support of her family and friends, her country and her causes. She showed us what an honest, vibrant, full life looks like. Hillary and I mourn her passing and bless her memory. We will never forget the courtesy and kindness she and President Bush showed us, starting when I was governor in 1983. I’ll always treasure my summer visits to Kennebunkport. Barbara joked that George and I spent so much time together I had become almost a member of the family, the “black sheep” that had gone astray. Our hearts and prayers go out to President Bush; to George, Jeb, Neil, Marvin, Doro, and her grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and to the entire Bush family she loved so much. We know that through them her remarkable strength, warmth and wit, and her devotion to our country will live on.”

Former President Jimmy Carter and first lady Rosalynn Carter:


“The matriarch of a family dedicated to serving, she urged volunteerism as a way for all citizens to participate in our nation’s progress, Through her own work to promote literacy as a value in every American home, countless families now have the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in all aspects of their lives. She will be missed.”

Vice President Mike Pence and Karen Pence:

“Karen and I send our deepest sympathies to President Bush and the entire Bush family with the passing of Barbara Bush. Barbara Bush was a woman of unique strength and grace whose devotion to her family was an inspiration to every American. Mrs. Bush’s example in public life and her encouragement made a lasting impact on our family, as it did on the families of millions of Americans, and she will be missed. We offer our deepest condolences to the entire Bush family during this difficult time and we will be praying for all who mourn the passing of this good and great woman. God bless Barbara Bush.”

Former Vice President Joe Biden:

“There were two things no one ever doubted about Barbara Bush: how much she loved her family and how much she loved her country. Barbara was not just the matriarch of her family, she was its backbone. She spent 73 years married to the love of her life. She was the picture of resilience, enduring the life-altering loss of her child, while never losing her abiding faith or belief in the fundamental importance of serving others. She spoke her mind with wit, intelligence, and steely confidence. Simply put, there was no one else quite like her. Her tireless work as a champion for global literacy will be just one legacy she leaves behind. The others will be her unshakeable faith, her devotion to service and her beloved family, in which she instilled that same great love of country and public service. Jill and I – and the entire Biden family – send our heartfelt condolences to the Bush family and our prayers for comfort in a difficult time.”

U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine:


“My heart goes out to President Bush and to the entire family. Barbara Bush was a great First Lady, a terrific advocate for literary programs and the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital in Portland, and a strong woman who loved her family, the State of Maine, and our country.”

U.S. Sen. Angus King, I-Maine:

““First Lady Barbara Bush was a true American, leader, mother, and wife whose lifelong commitment to universal literacy improved the lives of generations of American children. In Maine, many of us were fortunate to spot her as she walked the beach in Kennebunkport over the years, and her connection to our state, her deep concern for the wellbeing of its children, and her unwavering generosity has helped provide care for thousands of children throughout Maine at Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital. With grace and devotion, she proudly served our country and its citizens. Mary and I join the state of Maine and a grateful nation in keeping the First Lady and the entire Bush family in our thoughts during this difficult time.”

U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree, D-1st District:

“Mrs. Bush was a remarkable woman whose compassion touched the lives of many – she held a special place in our country and especially here in Maine. … The former First Lady’s commitment to Maine was always apparent through her donation of time and resources to the Maine Literacy Volunteers, the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at Maine Medical Center, and the University of New England’s George and Barbara Bush Center.”

U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin, R-2nd District:


“Rest in peace, First Lady Barbara Bush. Thank you for being an inspiration to so many in Maine and across our nation. My prayers go out to the entire Bush family tonight.”

Gov. Paul LePage and his wife, Ann:

“Mainers hold a special place in our hearts for President and Mrs. Bush, and we will treasure our memories of her time spent in our state. She will be missed.”

Statement from Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital:

“Maine Medical Center recognizes the passing of First Lady Barbara Bush, a beloved member of the MMC family and namesake of the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at Maine Medical Center. Today, the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital is a testament to the first lady’s unwavering passion for the children of Maine.”

Dr. Demi Kouzounas, chairwoman, Maine Republican Party:


“Maine and America just lost one of the greatest women it has ever been fortunate enough to have. But her spirit lives on. Former First Lady Bush’s value is impossible to express in words, but one thing we can say for certain is she cared about family as much or more than anyone ever.

“Barbara once said the most important parts of our life are ‘faith, family and friends.’ She also spoke about the importance of ‘decency and honesty.’ I have faith that Barbara Bush’s heart and her words of wisdom will live on with us.”

Phil Bartlett, chairman, Maine Democratic Party:

“A paragon of dignity, Mrs. Bush represented the very best of the American spirit and continually reminded us through her inspiring example that politics is secondary to our shared humanity. The people of Maine are fortunate to have had her as our neighbor and as our friend, and, undoubtedly, we are better off because of her.”

Bishop Robert Deeley, Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland:

“On behalf of the diocese, I offer my prayerful sympathy to the Bush family at this difficult time. Our state of Maine has lost a radiant presence of goodness and generosity. She approached life with humor and kindness, thus showing us how to live with the triumphs as well as the losses and sorrows that life presents. A woman of faith and humility, Mrs. Bush was always quick to help the least among us throughout her life, and she died as she lived, with courage and grace. May she be at peace with the Lord.”


John Sununu, former chief of staff to President George H.W. Bush:

“Barbara Bush was a great lady and a dear friend. Her passing is a terrible loss for the Bush family, the Sununu family and for all America.”

Betsy DeVos, U.S. secretary of education:

“Barbara Bush was a woman of grace, wit, perseverance and character.  She committed the entirety of her life to serving others: her family, her friends and her nation. A true advocate for lifelong learning, no one in America has done more to advance the cause of literacy – both for students and for parents – than Barbara Bush.  She continued this commitment long after her days in the White House, and her work has changed thousands upon thousands of families’ lives for generations by helping them unlock the power of literacy . . . . America is a better country because of Barbara Bush.”

Luci Baines Johnson, daughter of former President Lyndon B. Johnson:

“Mrs. Bush was a ‘no nonsense’ devoted mother to her family, and our nation. She was wit, wisdom, honesty, and character on two feet. She inspired a ‘thousand points of light’ of service to our country and was a beacon to us all. We loved her for who she was and for what we became because of her example. Our hearts go out to her remarkable family and to all who loved her as we did. The world is a poorer placer without Barbara Bush.”


Former Secretary of State James Baker III:

“Susan and I are deeply saddened to lose a beloved friend who was a passionate voice for volunteerism and the view that everyone should believe in something larger than self. Barbara Bush challenged each of us to build a better world by empowering people through literacy. As only one of two women in American history who can be called First Lady and First Mother, she was matriarch of a family that remains as dedicated to public service as it was to politics. We Americans were fortunate to have had Barbara and George Bush as one of the best First Couples of all time. We send our deepest love and affection to President Bush and to his entire family.”