A jury panel consisting of Stuart Kestenbaum, Susan Larsen and Ariel Hall met in early April and awarded eight recipients with a four- to six-week residency at Maine Farmland Trust’s Fiore Art Center at Rolling Acres Farm in Jefferson, according to a news release from the Maine Farmland Trust.

In its third year, the center received 66 applications for its summer arts residency program. The categories included visual arts, literary arts and performing arts. This year one residency placement was reserved for an indigenous artist and one for an international or out-of-state artist.

Thu Vu, from Vietnam, was awarded the international visual arts residency. Vu came to Maine from Hanoi Fine Arts College in 1998 as an exchange student; she attended Maine College of Art in Portland. Vu creates light sculptures made out of paper and natural materials. Her work has been exhibited throughout Asia, Europe and the USA.

Clif Travers was awarded the visual arts residency for a Maine indigenous artist. Travers grew up near Sugarloaf. One of his current bodies of work, “The Medicine Cabinets,” grew from three years of interviews with people around the country. Travers asked each person “What would you consider to be a social malady that could be easily cured by regular folk?” The resulting “cabinets” are all connected to nature and show the malady, as well as the imagined cure.

The remaining four visual arts residencies were awarded to Carol Douglas, Michel Droge, Estefani Mercedes and Maxwell Nolin, according to the release.

Douglas, who grew up on a farm, describes herself as a plein-air landscape painter whose primary interest lies in the relationship between humans and their environment. Droge, by contrast, is an abstract painter — her work reflects a poetic connection to the land, climate change research and the philosophy of the sublime.


Mercedes is an activist artist with deep connections to Maine. She is interested in local Brooksville archives that connect to the Argentine dictatorship. Through radical justice, film photography and copyright law, she hopes to restore missing violent histories and silenced voices by building publicly accessible archives.

Nolin is a young emerging portrait painter who most recently made a living as an organic vegetable farmer. His portraits often feature fellow farmers; however, he writes, “I have yet to fully immerse my subjects in the natural landscape. This seems to be where my interest lies and where my work is heading,” according to the release.

The Fiore Art Center’s literary arts residency was awarded to Maine writer Jodi Paloni. Paloni is working on her second book, a novel-in-stories, which takes place in the 60s and 70s on a farm similar to the center’s Rolling Acres Farm, and tracks three Maine women from their girlhood to contemporary midlife.

Finally, the performing arts residency was allocated to Heather Lyon. Lyon was born on a farm in Maine. Her art practice is site responsive and she plans to create new performance work at the center, according to the release.

Each year, the center hires a seasonal resident gardener, who lives on the farm for five months and grows food for the residents. “We’ve been lucky to find gardeners who also have their own creative practice, and enjoy being immersed in our residency program setting,” said Anna Witholt Abaldo, co-director of the center, according to the release. This year’s gardener will be Rachel Alexandrou, from Alna. Her organic gardening experience spans a decade, and she is currently completing her bachelor’s degree in sustainable horticulture at the University of Maine, Orono, with a minor in studio art.

Those interested can find more information on application details, summer visitor hours and Open Studio Dates at www.mainefarmlandtrust.org//jaf-art-center/.

According to the release, the mission of the Joseph A. Fiore Art Center at Rolling Acres Farm is to actively connect the creative worlds of farming and art making. The center’s purpose is to continue and evolve the dialogue between human and environment within the context of our current culture and time. The center offers exhibitions and public educational events, engages in research and development of new farming practices and hosts residencies for artists on a working farm in Jefferson. The Fiore Art Center is a program of Maine Farmland Trust. The late Joseph Fiore was an artist and active environmentalist who, with his wife Mary, generously supported Maine Farmland Trust for many years. For more information about the trust, visit www.mainefarmlandtrust.org.

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