The Lincoln County Democratic Committee will hold an informational session on ranked choice voting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 16, at the Newcastle Fire Station, 86 River Road in Newcastle.

Led by Abbie Ryder of The Chamberlain Project Foundation, the program will offer non-partisan background on ranked choice voting, an explanation of how the system works, and a sample ballot.

Ranked choice voting was passed by citizen’s referendum in November 2016. Last year, the Maine Legislature passed a bill delaying its implementation until 2021. But in March, a “people’s veto” petition to repeal that law and restore RCV use for some elections was certified by the Maine Secretary of State. That veto will be on the ballot at the June 12 election. At the same time, Maine voters will use RCV for state and federal primaries, becoming the first state in the country to use RCV statewide.

For more information, visit

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