AUGUSTA — This is a roundup of cases closed May 10-16, 2018, in courts in Augusta and Waterville.

Thomas A. Alley, 52, of Henderson, Nevada, operating while license suspended or revoked March 24, 2018, in Winthrop; $250 fine.

Yolanda Armstrong, 32, of Plymouth, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer Sept. 24, 2017, in Waterville; dismissed.

Justin B. Austin, 28, of Augusta, operating while license suspended or revoked Feb. 10, 2018, in Gardiner; $500 fine.

Heather Beaulieu, 31, of Waterville, protection from harassment order violation June 8, 2017, in Waterville; dismissed.

Gerard Boynton, 30, of Monmouth, trafficking in prison contraband Dec. 3, 2017, in Augusta; six-month jail sentence.


Thomas Brooks, 30, of Waterville, domestic violence assault Sept. 20, 2017, in Oakland; 364-day jail sentence, all but 25 days suspended, one-year probation.

Jeffrey Brown, 38, of Hallowell, failure to register vehicle March 29, 2018, in Hallowell; $100 fine.

Jared Colby, 26, of Waterville, unlawful possession of scheduled drug March 29, 2018, in Waterville; five-year Department of Corrections sentence, all but 18 months suspended, three-year probation. Violating condition of release and two counts aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, same date and town; dismissed.

Kami Dedoes, 33, of Randolph, failure to register vehicle April 4, 2018, in Hallowell; dismissed.

Sarah L. Delisle, 38, of West Gardiner, domestic violence terrorizing March 17, 2018, in West Gardiner; 364-day jail sentence, all but 12 days suspended, two-year probation.

Joshua T. Eastman, 31, of Monmouth, operating snowmobile on open water March 3, 2018, in Monmouth; $100 fine.


Devin A. Folsom, 27, of Oakland, violating protection from abuse order May 11, 2018, in Oakland; 48-hour jail sentence.

Herby Joseph Fournier, 35, of Waterville, operating while license suspended or revoked March 30, 2018, in Waterville; dismissed. Operating while license suspended or revoked April 14, 2018, in Augusta; $500 fine.

Randy A. Gemelli, 32, of Smithfield, operating under the influence Oct. 15, 2017, in Belgrade; $700 fine, seven-day jail sentence, three-year license and registration suspension.

David W. Giberson, 54, of Rumford, operating while license suspended or revoked March 19, 2017, in Oakland; dismissed.

Asher Conrad Gifford, 56, of Albion, possessing sexually explicit material depicting minor under 12, May 11, 2016, in Albion; five years, all but 42 months suspended, six years’ probation. Four counts of possessing sexually explicit material depicting minor under 12 May 11, 2016, in Albion; five years, all but 42 months suspended on each. Four counts of possessing sexually explicit material depicting minor under 12 June 20, 2016, in Albion; five years, all but 42 months suspended on each.

Mark Anthony Gooding, 52, of Belgrade Lakes, operating while license suspended or revoked Nov. 1, 2017, in Oakland; $250 fine.


Christopher A. Grant, 32, of Starks, operating while license suspended or revoked July 30, 2016, in Belgrade; dismissed.

Kristie M. Grant, 42, of Skowhegan, operating while license suspended or revoked March 31, 2017, in Winslow; dismissed.

Donald Gurney, 47, of Sidney, failure to register vehicle March 15, 2018, in Gardiner; dismissed.

Marisole E. Handren, 20, of Johnston, Rhode Island, operating while license suspended or revoked April 10, 2017, in Sidney; dismissed.

Clinton Paul Hanna, 32, of Belgrade, criminal mischief Aug. 16, 2017, in Waterville; $200 fine, $32.50 restitution. Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, same date and town; dismissed.

Emilie Hanson, 26, of Winslow, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer March 22, 2017, in Waterville; dismissed.


Jared E. Harvey, 46, of South China, operating under the influence Jan. 28, 2018, in Augusta; $500 fine, 48-hour jail sentence, 150-day license suspension.

Kathryn Hopkins, 27, of Belmont, endangering the welfare of a child Nov. 15, 2016, in Waterville; dismissed. Violating condition of release Sept. 16, 2017, in Waterville; unconditional discharge.

Rebecca-Lynn M. Humphrey, 36, of Winslow, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer July 28, 2017, in Winslow; dismissed.

Becka A. Hurst, 40, of Waterville, operating while license suspended or revoked Feb. 10, 2017, in Vassalboro; dismissed.

Matthew R. Kerr, 27, of New Sharon, operating under the influence May 13, 2018, in Vassalboro; $500 fine, 48-hour jail sentence, 150-day license suspension. Operating while license suspended or revoked May 13, 2018, in Vassalboro; $500 fine, 48-hour jail sentence. Operating vehicle without license and failure to stop, remain, provide information, same date and town; dismissed.

Kristina G. Kittredge, 33, of Gardiner, failure to register vehicle Feb. 15, 2018, in Augusta; dismissed. Failure to register vehicle March 20, 2018, in Augusta; $100 fine.


Victor P. Lawrence, 64, of Chelsea, failure to comply with sex offender registry act Dec. 20, 2017, in Chelsea; dismissed.

Traci P. Littlefield, 26, of Waterville, operating while license suspended or revoked Dec. 12, 2016, in Waterville; dismissed.

Demarrio Long, 28, of Augusta, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer March 30, 2018, in Augusta; $200 fine, $190 restitution.

Erik Longmore, 28, of Augusta, domestic violence assault March 13, 2018, in Augusta; two-year jail sentence, all but 90 days suspended, two-year probation.

Brittany Lopez, 24, of Union, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer Sept. 22, 2017, in Augusta; dismissed.

Bruce F. Macdonald, 64, of South China, cultivating marijuana Feb. 9, 2018, in China; $500 fine.


Joshua D. Macdonald, 34, of Bowdoinham, operating while license suspended or revoked Feb. 2, 2018, in Gardiner; $500 fine.

Stacey L. Macintyre, 42, of Augusta, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer Dec. 24, 2017, in Augusta; 24-hour jail sentence.

Natasha M. Manson, 28, of Oakland, operating under the influence Nov. 5, 2017, in Waterville; $600 fine, 96-hour jail sentence, 150-day license suspension. Refusing to sign criminal summons Nov. 5, 2017, in Waterville; 24-hour jail sentence.

James L. McDonnell, 65, of Litchfield, operating while license suspended or revoked March 15, 2018, in Litchfield; $250 fine.

William J. McLain Sr., 56, of Clinton, violating condition of release Nov. 9, 2017, in Clinton; $100 fine.

Amanda Moody, 36, of Augusta, failure to register vehicle March 25, 2018, in Windsor; dismissed.


Cameron L. Morrison, 19, of Winslow, minor consuming liquor Oct. 29, 2017, in Winslow; $200 fine.

Jessica Nelson, 42, of Winthrop, unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs May 12, 2017, in Augusta; $400 fine, five-year Department of Corrections sentence, all but 18 months suspended, two-year probation. Unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs May 12, 2017, in Augusta; $400 fine, 18-month Department of Corrections sentence. Unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs May 12, 2017, in Augusta; $400 fine, 18-month Department of Corrections sentence. Unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs May 12, 2017, in Augusta; $400 fine, 18-month Department of Corrections sentence. Unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs May 12, 2017, in Augusta; $400 fine, 18-month Department of Corrections sentence. Unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs May 12, 2017, in Augusta; $400 fine, 18-month Department of Corrections sentence. Five counts of unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, same date and town; dismissed.

Samantha R. Nickerson, 29, of Augusta, operating while license suspended or revoked Jan. 26, 2018, in Clinton; dismissed.

Allen P. Nutt, 36, of Waterville, operating while license suspended or revoked Feb. 15, 2018, in China; $250 fine. Operating while license suspended or revoked Dec. 2, 2017, in Waterville; $500 fine.

Aaron L. Penny, 30, of Manchester, disorderly conduct fighting Nov. 4, 2017, in Winthrop; $300 fine. Assault Nov. 4, 2017, in Winthrop; dismissed.

Jake J. Pilsbury, 26, of Warren, theft by unauthorized use of property May 7, 2017, in Windsor; two-year Department of Corrections sentence, $500 restitution. Violating condition of release May 7, 2017, in Windsor; six-month jail sentence. Operating while license suspended or revoked May 7, 2017, in Windsor; six-month jail sentence. Failing to notify of motor vehicle accident May 7, 2017, in Windsor; six-month jail sentence.


Crystal Pooler, 28, of Oakland, operating under the influence Nov. 8, 2017, in Waterville; $500 fine, 150-day license suspension; endangering the welfare of a child, same date and town; dismissed.

Justin Pomeroy, 24, of Pittsfield, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer Oct. 4, 2017, in Waterville; dismissed.

Michael Poulin, 21, of Bath, cruelty to animals Aug. 13, 2016, in Manchester; $250 fine.

Harry S. Reed Jr., 35, of Oxford, criminal trespass Aug. 24, 2017, in Waterville; $150 fine.

Gerald Richards, 74, of Waterville, disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures Nov. 5, 2017, in Waterville; unconditional discharge; assault and unlawful sexual touching, same date and town; dismissed.

Trevor Rideout, 19, of Pittston, criminal mischief Feb. 26, 2018, in West Gardiner; $200 fine, $569 restitution.


Brandon A. Riordan, 29, of Lisbon Falls, operating after registration suspended Feb. 27, 2018, in Hallowell; $150 fine.

Brandon M. Robinson, 27, of Augusta, violating condition of release March 7, 2018, in Augusta; seven-day jail sentence. Operating while license suspended or revoked March 7, 2018, in Augusta; $600 fine, seven-day jail sentence, one-year license suspension.

Bryan A. Robbins, 25, of Winslow, driving to endanger Dec. 10, 2016, in Winslow; $575 fine, 30-day license suspension. Operating under the influence, same date and town; dismissed.

Cassandra Rogers, 26, of Lewiston, operating while license suspended or revoked Aug. 22, 2017, in Waterville; $600 fine, 10-day jail sentence, 150-day license suspension.

Damien G. Rogers, 45, of Gardiner, failing to notify of motor vehicle accident Feb. 9, 2018, in Hallowell; $150 fine.

Gerald E. Ryder, 70, of Clinton, driving to endanger and reckless conduct July 4, 2017, in Clinton; dismissed.


Jeffrey St. Peter, 52, of Winslow, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer Oct. 23, 2017, in Waterville; $200 fine.

William James Scardoni, 38, of Auburn, violating condition of release Sept. 9, 2017, in Waterville; 24-hour jail sentence. Operating after registration suspended and operate while license suspended or revoked, same date and town; dismissed.

Marie Searles, 23, of Chelsea, domestic violence assault Aug. 20, 2016, in Farmingdale; 180-day all suspended jail sentence, one-year probation.

Jordan Smith, 23, of Whitefield, allow minor to possess or consume liquor Oct. 29, 2016, in Waterville; dismissed.

Arnold J. Stephens, 23, of Raleigh, North Carolina, motor vehicle speeding more than 30 mph over speed limit Dec. 26, 2017, in Monmouth; dismissed.

Bruce M. Stetson, 54, of Waterville, driving to endanger June 1, 2017, in Waterville; dismissed.


Gregory E. Storer, 35, of Jay, criminal mischief Dec. 30, 2017, in Monmouth; $200 fine, $166 restitution.

Daniel E. Taylor, 27, of Wilton, driving to endanger Jan. 28, 2018, in Belgrade; $575 fine, 30-day license suspension. Operating under the influence, same date and town; dismissed.

Nicole A. Taylor, 42, of Farmingdale, theft by deception Feb. 15, 2018, in Augusta; 10-day jail sentence; operate while license suspended or revoked, Feb. 21, 2018, in Augusta; dismissed. Operating after habitual offender revocation March 26, 2018, in Farmingdale; $500 fine, 30-day jail sentence. Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer April 24, 2018, in Augusta; 10-day jail sentence. Violating condition of release April 24, 2018, in Augusta; 10-day jail sentence. Unlawful possession of scheduled drug Feb. 1, 2018, in Farmindgale; $500 fine, 364-day jail sentence, all suspended, one-year probation.

Michelle J. Taylor, 53, of Dedham, motor vehicle speeding more than 30 mph over speed limit Jan. 29, 2018, in Wayne; dismissed.

Nicole A. Taylor, 42, of Farmingdale, unlawful possession of scheduled drug Feb. 1, 2018, in Farmingdale; $400 fine, 364-day jail sentence all suspended, one-year probation.

Donald Robert True Sr., 50, of Winthrop, violating protection from abuse order June 19, 2017, in Monmouth; 180-day jail sentence, all suspended, one-year probation.


Leo P. Valcourt, 44, of Waterville, violating protection from abuse order March 2, 2018, in Waterville; three-day jail sentence.

Levi L. Violette, 27, of Manchester, failing to notify of motor vehicle accident May 20, 2016, in Augusta, unlawful possession of scheduled drug and violating condition of release, July 15, 2016, in Augusta; dismissed. Driving to endanger April 10, 2017, in Sidney; $575 fine, 30-day license suspension. Violating condition of release April 10, 2017, in Sidney; $200 fine, $200 suspended. Possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 ounces, and use of drug paraphernalia, July 15, 2016, in Augusta; dismissed.

Steven Warfield, 40, of Canaan, unlawful possession of heroin Feb. 11, 2017, in Oakland; $400 fine, four-year Department of Corrections sentence, all but nine months suspended, two-year probation.

Jenny R. Wickett, 37, of Skowhegan, theft by deception Nov. 2, 2017, in Waterville; 30-day jail sentence, $35.74 restitution; theft by deception, same date and town; dismissed.

Wyatt Wilson, 41, of Augusta, violating condition of release May 13, 2018, in Augusta; five-day jail sentence.

Megan L. Woodcock, 20, of Randolph, criminal trespass March 10, 2018, in Randolph; $100 fine.

Chelsea Wyman, 26, of Augusta, unlawful possession of scheduled drug April 12, 2018, in Clinton; $400 fine, 180-day jail sentence all but 30 days suspended, one year probation. Unlawful possession of scheduled drug and violating condition of release, same date and town; dismissed.

Randy L. Young, 40, of Chelsea, operating while license suspended or revoked April 11, 2018, in Hallowell; dismissed.