Former Ambassador Laurence Pope’s prose sonata in the key of me published in the May 31 Portland Press Herald (“Maine Voices: Ex-envoy’s dealings with Mueller suggest Trump should be worried“) says a lot more about him than it does about the president of the United States. It’s hard to tell whom he is celebrating more, himself or Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
The ambassador bashes Trump as a con man who never had any sense of decency and who lies about the Mueller investigation.
At the same time, he confides in us that Trump is well-versed in the black arts of character assassination, prompting this reader to wonder who tutored Pope in a subject about which he seems quite knowledgeable.
At his level of expertise in those black arts, he might even be invited to further enlighten a wider audience on CNN. Was the ambassador sent to Benghazi to see if there were any more dead bodies and to clean up Hillary’s mess?
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