When the Gardiner City Council on Wednesday will consider whether to agree to add “betterments” to the project that will replace the two bridges at the fringes of downtown Gardiner.

The city’s Bridge Advisory Committee has identified a series of items that would be a visual improvements to the Bridge Street and Maine Avenue bridges replacement projects, namely upgrades to lighting to ornamental poles — replacing the cobra-head style Central Maine Power poles — on the two bridges and an observation platform being added to the staircase next to the A1 Diner.

The cost is estimated at $40,000.

Two projects are moving forward in the same time frame. One is the bridge replacement project, which is funded by the state Department of Transportation.

If the City Council approves the additions, that would be a city cost, Gardiner Public Works Director Tony LaPlante said Tuesday, and it would likely come in the fiscal year 2020 budget that would go into effect a year from July 1.

The other is the Cobbossee Trail project, which is an extension of the Kennebec River Rail Trail that would take the pathway from where it now ends on Maine Avenue to a path running south and west along the Cobbosseecontee Stream.


That project will be funded 80 percent from state and federal sources, LaPlante said, and 20 percent from the city of Gardiner. City officials have appropriated $340,000 for its share, he said.

At the start of the meeting, city elected officials are expected to meet in an executive session to discuss the hiring of a city manager. Two candidates have been identified.

Michael Bobinksy, the director of Public Works and Utilities in Somersworth, New Hampshire, and Christine Landes, the Bethel town manager, met with city officials and residents in late April and early May respectively.

The City Council launched a search for a city manager after Scott Morelli accepted the position of city manager in South Portland in February 2017. The first search resulted in no suitable candidates being identified and after a brief hiatus, the search was restarted.

The Council is also expected to hold a public hearing and vote on the first read of the fiscal year 2019 budget for the general fund, the TIF funds and the enterprise funds.

The City Council is also expected to hear an update on Cobbossee Trail project and consider:


• a proposed bid process for the Iron Mine Hill Mobile Home Park

• a liquor license renewal for Smith-Wiley Post 4 American Legion

• a liquor license for Two Gramps Brewing

• a liquor license renewal for Canton Village

• a special event permit for the Gardiner Farmer’s Market for Wednesdays on the Gardiner Common through Oct. 31

• a special event permit for a celebration of life for Ray Bisson for 10 a.m., to 1 p.m., on June 10 at the Gardiner Waterfront Park


• Consider the quarterly sewer abatements

The Gardiner City Council meets at 6 p.m., Wednesday in the City Council chamber in Gardiner City Hall at 6 Church St.

Jessica Lowell — 621-5632


Twitter: @JLowellKJ

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