Rangeley Health and Wellness and the Rangeley Lakes Chamber of Commerce recently announced the winners of its first Rangeley RuKaBi race, a three-part race. The event took place on May 27 in Rangeley Town Park.

The race consisted of a 3.5-mile run, followed by a 1.5-mile kayak on Rangeley Lake and ended with a 3.5-mile bike ride. Both individuals and teams competed.

The top three finishers and their times in each category are listed:


• Olivia Oulette — 1:04:15

• Natalie Bolduc — 1:04:16


• Jennifer Blastow — 1:07:16


• Mark Bolduc — 58:59

• David Hediger — 1:07:02

• Alan Russell — 1:10:07


• Bald Mountain Camps — 59:19

Rangeley Lakes — 1:04:14

Heritage Trust High Street — 1:09:24

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