Put away your quarters and don’t touch that debit card: Portland drivers will be able to pay for parking with their smartphones using a new app-based system at city parking meters.

Starting Saturday, drivers can use the PassportParking app to pay for parking at the city’s metered and “pay-and-display” kiosk parking spots that have the “Passport” decal on them.

When setting up the app, users enter and save their vehicle’s license plate number, and when using the app, use information on the decal to key in where they are parking, and purchase the amount of time they need to park.

Rates remain at $1.25 per hour.

Mobile users will receive text alerts when their time is about to expire and are allowed to buy additional time, although they still have to adhere to the two-hour limit before they have to move their vehicles. Motorists could still be ticketed for leaving a vehicle in a two-hour spot for three hours, for example.

“We’re excited to offer this new, more convenient, way of paying for parking to our customers,” said Portland Parking Manager John Peverada.


“While we do hope that people take advantage of it right away, we also ask for a little patience as we mobilize staff over the weekend to install all of the decals on our meters.”

PassportParking is also used in other cities, including Boston. Users can also view payment history and receive email receipts.

Noel K. Gallagher can be contacted at 791-6387 or at:


Twitter: noelinmaine

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