GARDINER — TOPS ME, Gardiner 176, held its installation officers on Aug. 1.

Linda Rose installed the following officers: Shirley Fearon, leader; Nancy Legere, co-leader; Kathy Lamothe, secretary; Florence Lancaster, treasurer; Beverly Lamoreau, weight recorder; and Donna Ormsby, assistant weight recorder.

Chairwoman Nancy Pare was named the Sunshine Person and Chapter Greeter for the upcoming year.

Outgoing officers who were thanked for serving the chapter for 14 years included Lorna Laney, leader; and Polly Hathaway, co leader.

Meetings are held from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesdays at First Bapitst Church, 47 Church St., Gardiner.

For more information, call 724-3220 or 588-7284.

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