MaineJobs is a new job search platform that brings together listings from over 20 Maine publications. With unemployment at an all-time low, the MaineJobs Career Fair is a day for job seekers and employers to meet in real life and each learn more about the other.

Registration is not required, but you can RSVP and get an email reminder before the event as well as business updates.


Interested in recruiting at the job expo? Fill out this form and a recruitment advertising representative will be in touch.

Learn More


Who Will Be There

AAA Northern New EnglandAdecco

Advantage Home Care • BlueTarp Financial

Bonney Staffing Co. • Career Center

Casa, Inc • Catholic Charities Maine

Community Care • Creative Work Systems

Dead River CompanyDuluth Trading Company

Express Employment Professionals • Fedex Express

Fiber Materials, Inc • Gorham Sand and Gravel

Grove Collaborative • Group Main Stream

Hannaford • Healthcare Services Group

Helical Solutions • HMS Host

Langford & Low Construction • MaineHealth

MaineToday Media • Manpower Maine

MAS Community Health • Martin’s Point Health Care

Memic • Morrison Center

New Gen Hospitality Management • Nouria Energy Corporation

Piper Shores • Port Resources

Prime Motor Group • Purdue University Global

Sam’s Club • SeniorsPlus

Spurwink ServicesSpectrum

Sun Journal • Sweetser

Texas Instruments • Townsquare Media

Tyson Foods • U.S. Army • Volt

Walgreen’s Pharmacy • Woodlands Senior Living



Scheduled Seminars

Make Facebook Ads Work for Your Business with Amanda O’ Brien

Maybe you have dabbled in Facebook Ads or boosted some posts but is it really helping your business or just getting you a bunch of ‘likes’? In this session, we will really look into Facebook Ads and how to create campaigns that will get you customers, people to your events and show you ROI.

Engaging Millennials in the Workplace with Lucy Ditzel of KMA Human Resources Consulting

Millennials make up the largest generation worldwide and by the year 2020, they will make up half of the workforce.  In this discussion, we will explore some common behaviors observed in this generation and understand the “whys” behind them. Expect to identify some effective strategies for communicating, attracting, and retaining the best that this generation has to offer.

Presented by

Premiere Employers