This letter goes out to the men and women who proudly served the United States, whether in the past or present. You served with honor and distinction so that others could live safely in freedom.

I wish to address the veterans who continue to give credence and honor to a man who never served America, ridicules people who are disabled, and from the beginning of his presidency has made a mockery of all that America represents.

Why do you still clap and hoot to a man who slams the right to a free press? Why do you honor and respect Donald Trump, who did not honor a fallen comrade in arms, John McCain.

A tweet. That is what John McCain got from this president. Not words of appreciation for serving his country with pride.

There is a reason McCain didn’t want Trump at his funeral. Who would you trust more to have the best interests of our country, John McCain or Donald Trump?

Warriors, think on that, and vote well.

Jacqueline Fournier

Mount Vernon

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