Moments after President Donald Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the offices of Democratic senators were already sounding the alarms. Before his confirmation hearings even began, Senate Democrats showed unprecedented obstruction, having made up their minds against the highly qualified judge without reviewing his record.

Those aren’t the values Mainers embody. Judge Kavanaugh deserves a fair shake. Kavanaugh is immensely qualified, having written more than 300 opinions from the D.C. Circuit Court, also known as the second highest court in the land. He has shown fairness and a need to uphold the Constitution, not legislate from the bench.

Take it from the man himself: “The American rule of law, as I see it, depends on neutral, impartial judges who say what the law is, not what the law should be,” he said during his first day of hearings.

Maine deserves an independent, brilliant mind that represents what they stand for. Kavanaugh is that person who will guide our nation with a principled, moral approach that will make the state proud. It’s time to confirm Kavanaugh.

Kim Pettengill


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