GARDINER — When city elected officials meet this week, they are expected to start a conversation about dogs that aren’t on leashes.

Earlier this summer, two residents brought their concerns to a City Council meeting about interactions they have either had or seen involving dogs not under the control of their owners — particularly in the Arcade parking lot, between Water Street and Cobbosseecontee Stream, and at Waterfront Park.

The Gardiner City Council meets at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the City Council chamber in Gardiner City Hall, 6 Church St.

In mid-July, two dogs that were not on leashes attacked Cynthia Roodman as she stepped on to the Arcade parking lot after work.

In an interview with the Kennebec Journal in late August, Roodman said the attack lasted only minutes, but left her with bites on her arms and hip, a ripped ear and a black eye and slight concussion she got in trying to roll away from the attack and lasting trauma.

During the August meeting at which the concerns were first raised, Gardiner Police Chief James Toman said his department hadn’t been receiving calls on dog problems.


Toman is expected to be at the meeting, as are Heather Brown, Gardiner’s animal control officer, and Barbara Skelton, Gardiner’s code enforcement officer, for the discussion.

In the case of Roodman’s attack, Steven Griatzky, the owner the dogs, failed to appear in court in August on two charges of keeping a dangerous dog.

By default, he was found liable on the charges, which are civil violations, and a hearing was scheduled for Sept. 20 to determine the fate of the dogs and to determine whether he would have to pay any restitution.

The Gardiner City Council will also:

• Hold a public hearing and have a first read of two amendments to the Land Use Ordinance

• Hold a public hearing and have a first read of amendments to the General Assistance Ordinance


• Hold a public hearing and consider renewing the liquor license for Johnson Hall Performing Arts Center

• Hold a public hearing and consider renewing the liquor license for Two Gramps Brewing

• Approve a special event permit for the 9th annual Swine & Stein Oktoberfest on Oct. 6

• Discuss and evaluate safety concerns about the tree at the corner of Maine Avenue and Water Street

• Discuss and evaluate the possibility of spraying for Japanese knotweed, considered an invasive plant in Maine, around the city

• Hear an update on paving and sidewalk projects as well as Spring Street


• Discuss the status of dangerous buildings in Gardiner

• Discuss the tax acquired properties surplus

• Consider accepting a donated gift of “no wake zone” buoys from Jerry Maschino and daughter, valued at $4,000

• Consider appointment and re-appointment of members to the Board of Appeals

• Consider approving and signing the Gardiner Ambulance Service Agreement

• Discuss voting credentials for the Maine Municipal Association annual business meeting


• Discuss and consider approval of allowing the city manager to sign off-premises liquor license applications

• Approve the minutes for the Sept. 5 meeting.

Jessica Lowell — 621-5632

Twitter: @JLowellKJ

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