The people of Maine should not be fooled by the flurry of pro-Kavanaugh ads now flooding the airwaves, intended to put public pressure on Sen. Susan Collins in a pro-Kavanaugh direction.

For example, the one claiming that “Maine legislators agree that Brett Kavanaugh is right for the Supreme Court” is based only on a minority of the Republicans in the Maine Legislature. This ad was commissioned and is being promoted by the so-called State Government Leadership Foundation, an established far-right “dark money” group whose original founders were big corporate donors, and whose current funders remain hidden in the shadows. However, the SGLF website itself touts its goals as being those of the libertarian right — essentially making government so small it becomes ineffective at controlling big business.

The second organization funding the flashy pro-Kavanaugh ads is One Nation America, a Karl Rove-backed dark-money group formerly known as the “Alliance for America’s Future.” This is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that was set up specifically to target members of the Senate and to push them more to the conservative fringe.

For those who don’t remember Rove, he was deputy chief of staff to George W. Bush who resigned in 2007 rather than respond to a subpoena by the Senate Judiciary Committee, which was investigating the midterm firing of seven U.S. attorneys who were either investigating Republican politicians or had refused to initiate proceedings to attack Democratic politicians and/or suppress Democratic voters. The committee nonetheless eventually concluded that Rove played a major role in the firings.

Given the nature of these groups arguing for the confirmation of Kavanaugh, one must seriously consider what their ulterior motive is. Don’t be fooled by the big money of the far right.

Robert E. Nelson


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