When I heard that my friend Denny Keschl was running again for the Maine House, I could not have been more happy. You see, I had a front row seat to Denny’s first tour of duty in the Legislature. We were both appointed to the Appropriations Committee and spent hundreds of hours together — days, nights and weekends — working on the biennial budget.

As time went on, I came to admire his work ethic, trust his judgment, and learn from his vast knowledge of state government. Denny is proof that one can be both a fiscal conservative and a compassionate man who knows that government must be there for those who need a hand up. When he decided not to run again, the Legislature lost a key member. But he’s back. With Denny running this year, the residents of District 76 have a chance to elect someone both uniquely connected to the local community and knowledgeable about statewide issues.

I hope his friends and neighbors will send him back to resume his important work. He’s a good man.

Sen. Roger Katz

R. Augusta

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